Maria review - Ottawa Citizen
- 23 Aug 1995
review - The Toronto Globe and Mail - Simona Chiose
- 19 Aug 1995
Maria review - Washington
Post - 26 July 1995
review - The Rocket - Kevin Rexroat - 12-26 July 1995
"Williams Offers Her Audience
a Night of Variety" - Chicago Tribune - Greg Kot - 1
Apr 1995
Siberry - Multimedia Musician?" - HotWired - Catherine
Bush - May 1995
review - JAM! - John Sakamoto - 1995
"Bounty Blessings" -
Network - Cindy McGlynn - DEC 1994
"Dylan's Children: Without
the Sanctimony" - New York Times - 20 Nov 1994
"Siberry: As the Crow Flies"
- Billboard - Deborah Russell - 25 June 1994
Astral Jane" - Rolling Stone - Carl Arrington - 21
APR 1994
Has a Tough New Album With a Title to Explain" -
Philadelphia Inquirer - Dan DeLuca - APR 1994
Music: Jane Siberry" - Real Groove - Bettina Vine
- Mar 1994
Siberry: Angels and Software" - Real Groove - Nick
Bollinger - Feb 1994
Divine Miss S" - New Zealand Herald - Russell Baillie
- Feb 1994
transcript - Mixing It - Robert Sandall and Mark Russell
- Jan 1994
Real Astrology - City Pages (Minneapolis)
- Rob Brezsny - Jan 1994
"...Jane" - Fond Affexxions
- R. Rusric - photos by Floria Sigismondi - Indian Summer
issue 1994
"The Places of Devotion
and the Altars of Despair" - MONDO 2000 - Issue 12 (1994?)
London (Purcell Room review) -
Melody Maker - Taylor Parks - 20 Nov 1993
"A Few More Spellbinders
to Die For" - Pulse! - Tom Lanham, Nov 1993
review - Jay Kinney - Nov 1993
"Home Recording" - Canadian
Musician - Peter Hamilton - Oct 1993
"Portrait of an Artist as
a Young Boy" - Illinois Entertainer - John Everson -
Oct 1993
"A Voice In Time" -
Impact - Jennie Punter - Sept 1993
Sides of Siberry" - Edmonton Journal - David Howell
- Fall 1993
in a Brave New Key" - McLeans - Nicholas Jennings
- 9 Aug 1993
"Siberry's new album reveals boyhood dreams" - Halifax Herald - Tim Arsenault - Aug
Siberry. This singer/songwriter has nothing to lose"
- Edmonton Sunday Sun - Mike Ross - Aug 1993
Queen of Quirk: Jane Siberry Reaches the Snapping Point"
- Network - Perry Stern - APR/May 1993
"Jane Siberry" - SoundCan
- Denise Sheppard - April 1993
When I Was a Boy review
- Q (UK) - Jim White - 1993
"Faces: Jane Siberry - All
Grown Up" - Musician - John Young - 1993
Siberry - Rhyme and Seasons" - Melody Maker - Jim
Arundel - ??
of Innocence and Androgyny" - The Guardian - May
Summer in the Yukon review
- Q (UK) - staff - 1992
Life is the Red Wagon review
- Q (UK) - staff - 1992
Concert review - Melody Maker
- Everett true - 1992 (?)
Foreword by Jane Siberry - The
Surreal Gourmet: Real Food for Pretend Chefs - Bob Blumer
- Chronicle Books, 1992
Is My Voice" - Canadian Musician - Howard Druckman
- Feb 1990