mannlist-digest          Thursday, 20 February 1997     Volume 01 : Number 080


From: "Nelson, Dan" []
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 97 16:35:00 PST
Subject: The Evil Arch-Aimee

In truth I am the evil Arch-Aimee - come to lead all you reverent worshipers 
down the temptive path toward the sin of true music appreciation.  Pray for 
me if you will, but we all know that the only end to this comes with the 
final battle of armageddon.
From: B. Timothy Creel
To: Nelson, Dan
Cc: mannlist
Subject: Re: Huh?
Date: Wednesday, February 19, 1997 6:24PM

Brothers, today's sermon is devoted to our fallen brother, Daniel Nelson

Before the flame war reaches new heights, I feel that we should examine Dan
and our feelings toward him. Oh yes, I'm sure we all feel anger, but deep in
our hearts, we know that those feelings are wrong.
Now, what kind of person is Dan? Well obviously, Dan is a person of deep
feeling. He feels very deeply that Aimee and her music is worthless. Dan is
in error, but many times, the paths of the righteous fork, and they are led
far from the truth. Dan's deep feelings have led him into a rash move,
insulting the Goddess herself in her own Temple. But we must be lenient and
forgiving of Brother Daniel, for he is ignorant of good music.

Truly we should look at Daniel and his actions in another light. Here is
this man, this man of DEEP feelings, who takes it on himself to start a
crusade about something he feels is without worth. What does this say of
Brother Daniel and his life? Well, brethren, it says that his life has
fallen so far, and has become so pathetic that he is wasting his valuable
time on things that he himself feels are worthless.
Yes my friends, pity poor Daniel, for not only is he far from the light, but
his life must be an empty thing, devoid of purpose and love, and so it will
remain until he learns some basic respect for himself and others.

Pity him.

B Timothy Creel(List-owner/Deacon)

PS: Please take off all of your replies to our fallen
brother. Aimee doesn't need that in her in-box. If she wants to see this
little argument, she can always check the digests.


From: "Flanagan, Mike" [mflanagan@smtplink.Coh.ORG]
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 97 16:55:32 pst
Subject: Re[2]: Aimee Mann

   well, for the both of you, Dan & QMProd, i'll just add that being a 
   musician has nothing to do with whether you have "good taste", or 
   much else, for that matter.  It's all just opinion.  You can't take 
   your musical knowledge and either prove or disprove whether Aimee 
   Mann or anyone else is worthy of "merit".....
   Dan/Elvis has every right to dislike Til Tuesday.  I never liked Til 
   Tuesday and because of comments on this list I checked 'em out again, 
   and still didn't like 'em.  But I like both of her solo albums, and 
   would encourage Dan/Elvis to give them a listen, if only for his 
   hatred to become more fully informed.
   I loathe the song "Unbreak my Heart" sung by Toni Braxton.  But I 
   have no reason to find Toni Braxton's fans on the internet and 
   express my disdain for Toni Braxton.  My time is more valuable than 
   that, and so should yours, mister dan/elvis.

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: RE: Aimee Mann
Author:  ,"Nelson, Dan" [] at INTERNET
Date:    2/19/97 1:04 PM

Mr. Joe AOLer,
Yes, I am a lifetime musician in my own right, - studied piano, voice and 
composition at BU and currently play bass with numerous ensembles. I have 
the sense enough to know that, even though I immensley enjoy 
playing/composing music, my level of talent doesn't warrant taking myself 
too seriously ( as should Aimee's - and your's probably if you're a fan).  I 
don't remember who else vied for the rumble that year (or particularily 
care), but I do remember being severely disgusted with the results.   I 
still have friends who are deeply involved in the music scene in Boston 
(Plasma Productions), and I assure you that I am not alone in my loathing.
Her earlier work (if you can call it that) was enough to scare me away from 
even bothering to know that there's new crap until I came across a mention 
of her in the web.  That and the fact that I had the misfortune of hearing 
'Til Tuesday' - on what used to be my favorite Seattle station - nauseated 
me enough to let my feelings be known.
It is apparent at her trying to link herself with Allanis, that she is still 
struggling in her sophmoric attempts to be what her lack of talent will 
truly not allow her to be.
And a note for all you who have already begun to flame me -  "shut up, shut 
up, shut up, Oh why can't you just keep it down"........
From: QMProd
To: nelsond
Subject: Aimee Mann
Date: Wednesday, February 19, 1997 3:27PM
Just curious - I'm wondering if you have any credentials as a musician or 
whether you are simply stating your opinion (which, of course, you are 
entitled to) out of ignorance.
Personally, as a songwriter/musician/composer, I admire Ms. Mann's recent 
works a great deal.  She is one of my favorite songwriters.
Being from the Boston area myself - I'd be interested to know who you 
was more deserving a BCN Rumble winner the year 'til tuesday won?


From: ash []
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 1997 21:00:47 -0500
Subject: Re: Huh?

Nelson, Dan wrote:

] lots of crap not worth repeating. . .

I'll be glad when elvis leaves the building !	



From: Joe Hoy []
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 1997 21:01:56 -0600
Subject: nelson, dan

ignore him and he'll go away.

- -Joe Hoy


Date: Wed, 01 Jan 1997 23:15:24 -0500
Subject: Re: The Evil Arch-Aimee

At 04:35 PM 2/19/97 PST, Nelson, Dan wrote:
]In truth I am the evil Arch-Aimee - come to lead all you reverent worshipers 
]down the temptive path toward the sin of true music appreciation.  Pray for 
]me if you will, but we all know that the only end to this comes with the 
]final battle of armageddon.
] ----------
]From: B. Timothy Creel
]To: Nelson, Dan
]Cc: mannlist
]Subject: Re: Huh?
]Date: Wednesday, February 19, 1997 6:24PM
]Brothers, today's sermon is devoted to our fallen brother, Daniel Nelson
]Before the flame war reaches new heights, I feel that we should examine Dan
]and our feelings toward him. Oh yes, I'm sure we all feel anger, but deep in
]our hearts, we know that those feelings are wrong.
]Now, what kind of person is Dan? Well obviously, Dan is a person of deep
]feeling. He feels very deeply that Aimee and her music is worthless. Dan is
]in error, but many times, the paths of the righteous fork, and they are led
]far from the truth. Dan's deep feelings have led him into a rash move,
]insulting the Goddess herself in her own Temple. But we must be lenient and
]forgiving of Brother Daniel, for he is ignorant of good music.
]Truly we should look at Daniel and his actions in another light. Here is
]this man, this man of DEEP feelings, who takes it on himself to start a
]crusade about something he feels is without worth. What does this say of
]Brother Daniel and his life? Well, brethren, it says that his life has
]fallen so far, and has become so pathetic that he is wasting his valuable
]time on things that he himself feels are worthless.
]Yes my friends, pity poor Daniel, for not only is he far from the light, but
]his life must be an empty thing, devoid of purpose and love, and so it will
]remain until he learns some basic respect for himself and others.
]Pity him.
]B Timothy Creel(List-owner/Deacon)
]PS: Please take off all of your replies to our fallen
]brother. Aimee doesn't need that in her in-box. If she wants to see this
]little argument, she can always check the digests.
RIGHT ON! Rev. Tim and AMEN!!!!

Mark C. Strong


Date: Wed, 01 Jan 1997 23:17:13 -0500
Subject: Re: Huh?

At 06:24 PM 2/19/97 -0600, B. Timothy Creel wrote:
]Brothers, today's sermon is devoted to our fallen brother, Daniel Nelson
]Before the flame war reaches new heights, I feel that we should examine Dan
]and our feelings toward him. Oh yes, I'm sure we all feel anger, but deep in
]our hearts, we know that those feelings are wrong. 
]Now, what kind of person is Dan? Well obviously, Dan is a person of deep
]feeling. He feels very deeply that Aimee and her music is worthless. Dan is
]in error, but many times, the paths of the righteous fork, and they are led
]far from the truth. Dan's deep feelings have led him into a rash move,
]insulting the Goddess herself in her own Temple. But we must be lenient and
]forgiving of Brother Daniel, for he is ignorant of good music.
]Truly we should look at Daniel and his actions in another light. Here is
]this man, this man of DEEP feelings, who takes it on himself to start a
]crusade about something he feels is without worth. What does this say of
]Brother Daniel and his life? Well, brethren, it says that his life has
]fallen so far, and has become so pathetic that he is wasting his valuable
]time on things that he himself feels are worthless. 
]Yes my friends, pity poor Daniel, for not only is he far from the light, but
]his life must be an empty thing, devoid of purpose and love, and so it will
]remain until he learns some basic respect for himself and others.
]Pity him.
]B Timothy Creel(List-owner/Deacon)
]PS: Please take off all of your replies to our fallen
]brother. Aimee doesn't need that in her in-box. If she wants to see this
]little argument, she can always check the digests.
RIGHT ON! Rev. Tim and AMEN!!!!

Mark C. Strong


Date: Wed, 19 Feb 1997 23:22:03 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Aimee Mann -IGNORE THIS IDIOT!!!

In a message dated 97-02-19 16:52:00 EST, wrote:

[[ Yes, I am a lifetime musician in my own right, - studied piano, voice and 
 composition at BU and currently play bass with numerous ensembles. I have 
 the sense enough to know that, even though I immensley enjoy 
 playing/composing music, my level of talent doesn't warrant taking myself 
 too seriously ( as should Aimee's - and your's probably if you're a fan).  I

 don't remember who else vied for the rumble that year (or particularily 
 care), but I do remember being severely disgusted with the results.   I 
 still have friends who are deeply involved in the music scene in Boston 
 (Plasma Productions), and I assure you that I am not alone in my loathing.
 Her earlier work (if you can call it that) was enough to scare me away from 
 even bothering to know that there's new crap until I came across a mention 
 of her in the web.  That and the fact that I had the misfortune of hearing 
 'Til Tuesday' - on what used to be my favorite Seattle station - nauseated 
 me enough to let my feelings be known.
 It is apparent at her trying to link herself with Allanis, that she is still

 struggling in her sophmoric attempts to be what her lack of talent will 
 truly not allow her to be.
 And a note for all you who have already begun to flame me -  "shut up, shut 
 up, shut up, Oh why can't you just keep it down"........ ]]

Are you lost, little troll? Would you like directions to the nearest bridge?

Everyone else on this list: let's ignore this clown. He's obviously trying to
get us to react, and this *one* reply is as much as I'm willing to give this
spudboy. He'll get bored and move on to bug the next list. Might I suggest
the Mariah Carey list?

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------
David A. Smith

"Fear prophets... and those prepared to die for the truth,
      for as a rule they make many others die with them,
      often before them, at times instead of them."
                   -Umberto Eco


From: "B Timothy Creel" []
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 1997 23:02:05 Central Standard Time
Subject: A problem...

To the Postmaster at Data-I/O Corporation:

I think you should know about a situation I've been dealing with involving a
person I believe to be one of your employees. His name is Dan Nelson, and he
has been using his e-mail account to post flame bait on a mailing list that
I administer. This is not at all appreciated. Granted he's got the right to
express his opinion, but he's deliberately being disruptive and insulting. I
don't think that this would be the kind of behavior you'd want your
employees projecting over the Internet, in addition to such behavior being
an abuse of the corporate network.

Thank you for any help you can provide.
B. Timothy Creel
(list-owner for for


From: (Chuck Davis)
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 00:08:32 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Huh?

]'Til Tuesday was probably the most LAME band
(Garbage snipped)

And a most successful troll it was.


Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 00:20:20 -0500 (EST)
Subject: No Subject

you know, every time I listen to Aimee's music, I feel very good about myself
and life in general.
Just thought we all need a little happiness in our lives


Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 08:17:56 GMT
Subject: Top 100 Tracks of the '90s

Seeing as there has been some heavy shit going down recently - this I get
for taking my eye off the ball - I thought I would give you girls & boys a
little good news...

The March edition of MOJO magazine has it's readers poll of the top 100
tracks in the 90's, and there nestled gently between Elastica's Connected
and Jeff Buckley's Last Goodbye is Aimee Mann's Fouth of July. Hurrah!
Recognition at last. OK so it's only number 77 but I was suprised to see it
there at all!  She even got a honourable mention for Amateur.

Oh & just for the record I will come out of the closet & admit that I actual
like Alanis Morissette.  I happen to think Jagged Little Pill is a great
album and caome in for so unfair knocks.  Then again I like Blur & Oasis too
so what does that say about me?

Riccardo "Eclectic" Gargiulo


From: Dave Fischer []
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 07:44:36 -0500
Subject: oh man...

OK....I've tried to sit back and watch this quietly but enough is
enough.  It's been a long standing custom for people to post baiting
immature messages to lists and bboards and see how many gullible souls
get all riled up.  After a few times, people wise up and ignore the
Sending mail to the guy's sysadmin is really uncalled for.
Just let it die, people.


Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 08:45:51 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Whatever-s

I have forgotten the address to get stuff posted to the list so if this has
gone astray let me know!

I've been off the list for 6 months so I have missed quite a bit. Are there
any tour plans?New album??? ANYTHING?!

re:Flame Guy
[[ Now if you happen to like pointless struggle, and
conflict, and drama, sure, you can continue with this guy, but I think
he's shown that whatever replies he gets, he's going to take back to the
list to try and get more conflict. And I don't want to hear any more of
it. so please, don't encourage him.]]

Exactely. It's all a waste of bytes talking about it. What on earth is the
point of posting his comments in the first place.... I wouldn't have the time
nor the inclination to post on an Elvis list about how crap I thought he was.
This guy is like the little boy who pulls girls pigtales, just wants to make
us cry. Forget about him.

The guy who made the above quoted post had the right idea. If our flamer
doesn't like Aimee then more fool him!


From: B Timothy Creel []
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 08:58:26 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Re: Oh Man


Sorry, I don't have the original message with me, but I feel that I
should reply to the comment about my complaint to his postmaster. 

I feel that you're looking at this from a different perspective than I am.
The mailing list isn't unlike a party, where the guests are close friends.
Dan is a party-crasher. As a guest, you might be able to ignore him, but
I'm the guy throwing the party, and I'm the guy paying for the house in
which the party's being thrown. And let me tell you, it's not a cheap
house. I could ignore him and hope he'll go away, but I can't ensure
that all the other guests will do the same. I must take action to make
sure he does leave, and to make sure he knows that trespassing is not
welcome. My method is to tell his boss what he's been doing on company
time. If I were to do something like that where I work with the company
network, I'd be strung up, and for good reason.

Also, though trolling is a common and time-tested behavior, that doesn't
mean it's right. It's disruptive and disrespectful to others. It shouldn't
be tolerated.

B Timothy Creel


From: B Timothy Creel []
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 08:58:26 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Re: Oh Man


Sorry, I don't have the original message with me, but I feel that I
should reply to the comment about my complaint to his postmaster. 

I feel that you're looking at this from a different perspective than I am.
The mailing list isn't unlike a party, where the guests are close friends.
Dan is a party-crasher. As a guest, you might be able to ignore him, but
I'm the guy throwing the party, and I'm the guy paying for the house in
which the party's being thrown. And let me tell you, it's not a cheap
house. I could ignore him and hope he'll go away, but I can't ensure
that all the other guests will do the same. I must take action to make
sure he does leave, and to make sure he knows that trespassing is not
welcome. My method is to tell his boss what he's been doing on company
time. If I were to do something like that where I work with the company
network, I'd be strung up, and for good reason.

Also, though trolling is a common and time-tested behavior, that doesn't
mean it's right. It's disruptive and disrespectful to others. It shouldn't
be tolerated.

B Timothy Creel


From: "Angela H. McGregor" []
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 13:02:38 -0500
Subject: Re: Huh?

Personally, I think "Elvis" probably ran out of Demerol!

At 09:00 PM 2/19/97 -0500, ash wrote:
]Nelson, Dan wrote:
]] lots of crap not worth repeating. . .
]I'll be glad when elvis leaves the building !	

                                        -- Angela McGregor
                                           Editorial Administrator
                                           Archives of General Psychiatry


From: "Angela H. McGregor" []
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 13:09:47 -0500
Subject: Re: Oh Man

I totally agree with you, Tim.  I hope he gets a really embarrassing memo
from his sysadmin.  Furthermore, that kind of behavior, if you ask me, is
probably indicative of some real personality problems (take it from somebody
who helps edit a psychiatry journal), of which his admin deserves to know.
You were absolutely right to do what you did.  

By the way, thanks for the party.

At 08:58 AM 2/20/97 -0600, B Timothy Creel wrote:
]Sorry, I don't have the original message with me, but I feel that I
]should reply to the comment about my complaint to his postmaster. 
]I feel that you're looking at this from a different perspective than I am.
]The mailing list isn't unlike a party, where the guests are close friends.
]Dan is a party-crasher. As a guest, you might be able to ignore him, but
]I'm the guy throwing the party, and I'm the guy paying for the house in
]which the party's being thrown. And let me tell you, it's not a cheap
]house. I could ignore him and hope he'll go away, but I can't ensure
]that all the other guests will do the same. I must take action to make
]sure he does leave, and to make sure he knows that trespassing is not
]welcome. My method is to tell his boss what he's been doing on company
]time. If I were to do something like that where I work with the company
]network, I'd be strung up, and for good reason.
]Also, though trolling is a common and time-tested behavior, that doesn't
]mean it's right. It's disruptive and disrespectful to others. It shouldn't
]be tolerated.
]B Timothy Creel

                                        -- Angela McGregor
                                           Editorial Administrator
                                           Archives of General Psychiatry


From: B Timothy Creel []
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 13:13:59 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Farewell Brother Daniel

My brothers and sisters,

I received a private e-mail from our good friend Brother Daniel, in which,
apart from various insults directed at me and my own pathetic life, he bid
the rest of the congregation farewell. Apparently their webmaster did
speak with him about it, but not before he'd decided to discontinue the
thread on his own(can you say "Trying to save face" boys and girls? I
think you can...)

Anyway, I think that we should leave our poor ex-brother alone now, and
finally say farewell to this useless thread. 

Go in Peace my Brethren,
Deacon Tim


From: Patric McElwain []
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 12:56:02 -0700 (MST)
Subject: "Do It Again"

Does anyone know the history behind "Do It Again," the previously unreleased 
on the _Coming Up Close_ collection? The back cover says the track was 
performed by the original members, and I'm wondering if this is a new 
recording or one left off a pervious album. Does anyone have any 
information about this?


Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 14:55:37 -0500 (EST)
Subject: re:Oh man

[[My method is to tell his boss what he's been doing on company
time. If I were to do something like that where I work with the company
network, I'd be strung up, and for good reason.]]
Quite right too!

If you do something you have got to be aware of the consequences. If you
drive round in the companies sign painted van throwing bricks through windows
you are gonna get caught.

For what it's worth I like Alannis too and as for Aimee trying to be
her...erm...hello who came first???



Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 14:48:32 -0600
Subject: Re: "Do It Again"

Patric McElwain wrote:
] I'm wondering if this is a new recording or one 
] left off a pervious album. Does anyone have any
] information about this?

I don't know this, but I bet it's a leftover
from way back.  I can't imagine Aimee getting
back into bed with Epic for any amount of 

- -Don


From: "Jack Steinmann" []
Date: 20 Feb 1997 14:58:12 -0600
Subject: Re: Oh man

                      RE]]Oh man                                   2/20/97

The point being missed here is that if Ms. Mann introduced herself as Alanis
Morissette she was making a JOKE (which she does, often).


- --------------------------------------
]Date: 2/20/97 2:26 PM
]For what it's worth I like Alannis too and as for Aimee trying to ]be
her...erm...hello who came first???

End of mannlist-digest V1 #80