MANNLIST Digest 490

Topics covered in this issue include:

  1) Why is Aimee Going On the Road??
  2) Re: Why is Aimee Going On the Road??
	by Jason Long []
  3) Why is Aimee Going On the Road??
  4) Summer shows, Tuesday night and Joseph Arthur
  5) Re: Why is Aimee Going On the Road??
  6) Re: Why is Aimee Going On the Road??
	by "Daniel P. Melvold" []
  7) Re: Summer shows, Tuesday night and Joseph Arthur
	by Angela McGregor []
  8) Re: Summer shows, Tuesday night and Joseph Arthur
  9) I can't wait
	by "Spencer Lewis" []
 10) WAY OFF TOPIC, but may be of interest to some subscribers
	by "Brett Screws" []
 11) Re: Summer shows, Tuesday night and Joseph Arthur


Message-ID: []
Date: Thu, 1 Jul 1999 16:44:23 EDT
Subject: Why is Aimee Going On the Road??
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Now that the euphoria of getting to see Aimee live thist month has subsided a 
bit, I am racking my brain trying to figure out why she is touring.  She 
doesn't have a new record, video, etc. to promote, and she has no label to 
support her touring!  

Here are a few reasons that I can think of why she would be touring:
She wants to show prospective record labels that she is popular by having a 
good size crowd show up at her shows.
She doesn't want her profile to fade.
She wants to capitalize on the press from the upcoming New York Times article.
She wants to make some money!

Reasons she is not touring:
To find a new record label.  (If she wanted to find a new label, she could 
just have a few meetings in LA and play around at a few "showcase" gigs to 
get her new songs heard.)

Also, does anyone know the format of her tour?  Will it be solo or with a 



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Date: Thu, 01 Jul 1999 17:05:09 -0400
From: Jason Long []
Subject: Re: Why is Aimee Going On the Road??

At 04:44 PM 7/1/1999 EDT, Austin wrote:
]Now that the euphoria of getting to see Aimee live thist month has subsided a 
]bit, I am racking my brain trying to figure out why she is touring.  She 
]doesn't have a new record, video, etc. to promote, and she has no label to 
]support her touring!  
]Here are a few reasons that I can think of why she would be touring:
]She wants to show prospective record labels that she is popular by having a 
]good size crowd show up at her shows.
]She doesn't want her profile to fade.
]She wants to capitalize on the press from the upcoming New York Times article.
]She wants to make some money!

I think a lot of it may have to do with maintaining her profile and with
making some money. If she really is going to buy her new album back from
Interscope and release it herself, I imagine it will be an extremely costly
endeavor and having not toured or released anything in a while, she probably
doesn't have all the money she needs just yet. There are a lot of interviews
in which she has said that she's never been able to make a lot of money off
of her music, and while it may get worse before it gets better, hopefully
she'll be able to see more of the profits once she starts releasing her
music on her own label.



Message-ID: []
Date: Thu, 1 Jul 1999 17:46:37 EDT
Subject: Why is Aimee Going On the Road??
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How about she LIKES touring and getting the rush from playing for people....


Message-ID: []
Date: Thu, 1 Jul 1999 19:04:46 EDT
Subject: Summer shows, Tuesday night and Joseph Arthur
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Pollstar has these Lilith Fair dates featuring Aimee:

        08/01/99 Canandaigua   NY      Finger Lakes P.A.C.
        08/03/99  Mansfield   MA     Tweeter Center For The Perf. Arts
        08/04/99   Hartford  CT   Meadows Music Theatre
        08/06/99  Wantagh  NY  Jones Beach Amph.

Which may explain the rest of the tour dates; I'm pretty sure she wouldn't 
make much profit playing venues the size of Park West and Birchmere's, but 
maybe the Lilith gigs are cushioning the smaller shows?

Aimee and Michael are also playing Largo again on July 20th.

I hadn't been able to get to a Tuesday show in a while, and I finally did two 
days ago. Unfortunately, I don't think I picked the right one! Aimee seemed 
really nervous or tired or both; her vocals were often off, and even when she 
spoke her voice was shaky. Of course, any Aimee & Michael show is worth 
seeing, but this one didn't really rank with the others I've seen.

But she did provide a bit of insight; when an audience member asked what 
label her record would be on, she said very decisively, "My own label." She 
mentioned that she might call it Superego Records.

Mike asked about Joseph Arthur's recent show opening for Jon Brion. First, I 
should tell you he'll be opening for Jon again on July 16th.

Everyone I spoke to who saw his set had the exact same comments; the music 
was gorgeous, he has a great voice, and it was fascinating watching him build 
his own loops right there on stage. 

But his lyrics got tiresome after a while; not that they were bad, but every 
song was basically the same perspective, which I'll sum up as, "Here I am, 
alone, and I'm really lonely, and I'm in my apartment, which is really small, 
and I'm lonely because it's a big city and people are kind of mean, and maybe 
my girlfriend left, or maybe it's just about me. And did I mention me?" 

He looked awfully young, so maybe he's just got some growing to do as a 
lyricist. Other than that, he's clearly a major talent; I'm quite interested 
in hearing what he'll do in the future.



Message-ID: []
Date: Thu, 1 Jul 1999 20:07:47 EDT
Subject: Re: Why is Aimee Going On the Road??
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All of what everyone has said on this subject and more.  Best case senerio, 
lifted from Bonnie Raitt.
Bonnie Raitt, before she signed with Capitol, and after she was dropped by 
Warner Brothers (anyone remember that, she was dropped by WB, then signed 
again for one album, the commerical and critical disaster Nine Lives) she was 
touring to make money because she didn't have any way else to make it, and 
was usuing her savings to finance it.  She was touring clubs.  Finally she 
got signed by Capitol, made Nick Of Time (medium sized hit, big comback), and 
then Luck Of The Draw (smash).  Now she's a big star, not bad for someone 
whose in her late 40's and was one of the best loved cult aritsts of the 
70's, much the way Aimee is today.
Now could this happen with Aimee (with out 9 Lives type of album).  Or that 
she does release her album herself and has as big a hit with it as Ani 
Difranco dod with Living In Clip (last I heard it had sold 400,000, probably 
gold by now).


Message-Id: []
Date: Thu, 01 Jul 1999 17:31:11 -0700
Subject: Re: Why is Aimee Going On the Road??
From: "Daniel P. Melvold" []
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Aimee has stated before that she doesn't really like to tour...she does
enjoy the LArgo setting because it is an "artist friendly" space.

]Subject: Why is Aimee Going On the Road??
]Date: Thu, Jul 1, 1999, 2:46 PM

]How about she LIKES touring and getting the rush from playing for people....


Message-Id: []
Date: Thu, 01 Jul 1999 21:01:23 -0400
From: Angela McGregor []
Subject: Re: Summer shows, Tuesday night and Joseph Arthur
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Well, I'm informed by Ticketmaster online that Lilith Faire at Jones Beach
is sold out.  But I just bought a couple of tickets for the Tramps show.
It's a fun, fairly small venue and should be a good show.  

I for one am glad she's taking control of her own career and going on the
road, with or without a major label deal.

At 07:04 PM 7/1/99 , you wrote:
]Pollstar has these Lilith Fair dates featuring Aimee:
]        08/01/99 Canandaigua   NY      Finger Lakes P.A.C.
]        08/03/99  Mansfield   MA     Tweeter Center For The Perf. Arts
]        08/04/99   Hartford  CT   Meadows Music Theatre
]        08/06/99  Wantagh  NY  Jones Beach Amph.
]Which may explain the rest of the tour dates; I'm pretty sure she wouldn't 
]make much profit playing venues the size of Park West and Birchmere's, but 
]maybe the Lilith gigs are cushioning the smaller shows?
-- Angela McGregor


Message-ID: []
Date: Thu, 1 Jul 1999 21:17:43 EDT
Subject: Re: Summer shows, Tuesday night and Joseph Arthur
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I must have missed something here, Aimee is at Tramps in NY, when?


Message-Id: []
Date: Thu, 01 Jul 1999 22:32:27 -0400
Subject: I can't wait
From: "Spencer Lewis" []
To: Mannlist []
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Just ordered my tickets for the Aimee Mann show in NYC.  Thanks for the 
posting.  We should convince fer to sell bootlegs out of the back of her
truck :)



Message-Id: []
From: "Brett Screws" []
To: []
Subject: WAY OFF TOPIC, but may be of interest to some subscribers
Date: Thu, 1 Jul 1999 23:05:55 -0400
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June 15, 1999 - Federal agents swarmed our house with guns drawn.

After following a friend for six months, members of a federal task force
entered our house to collect evidence for a marijuana drug case against me
and my girlfriend.  At the same time another group of agents arrested our
While handcuffed and sitting on the front lawn, I was able to overhear
several phone conversations between the two task forces.  Of course, I
could only hear what one agent said, but the gist of it was as follows:
1)  They seized my friend's wife's new car.  She is a technician earning
more than
fifteen dollars an hour and had just bought the car using her salary to
make the pay-
2)  They seized my friend's mid-1980's VW.  A car he had owned since new
paid for with his salary.
3)  They seized my friend's house, a small two bedroom that was almost paid
He is an auto mechanic and he and his wife had been paying the mortgage
like normal
people using their combined salaries to do so.


Some background information.

My name is Brett Screws and I am a forty year old independent autobody
mechanic.  I have chronic back pain due to a physical condition known as
scoliosis, an abnormal curvature of the spine.  I have no insurance and
have spent a couple of thousand dollars on chiropractors, physical
therapists, and prescription drugs.  Nothing helped until I started smoking
marijuana.  Smoking reduced the spasms in my back thereby significantly
reducing the pain.  Despite the illegality and two prior possession
charges, I continued using the drug because it is THE OPNLY THING THAT
WORKS.  My autobody business is small but fruitful and I definitely
attribute this, in part, to my use of marijuana as a medicine.  I have two
prior possession charges and, yes, I am painfully aware of the stupidity of
continued use ... I can only offer that it worked for me.  A factoid: 
Marijuana is listed as a Schedule I drug by the US government ... cocaine
is listed as Schedule II.  Schedule I drugs cannot be prescribed by doctors
.. Schedule II drugs can.
My girlfriend's name is Estelle Shaffer and she is a long time devotee of
Shiva and is a spiritual counselor.  She believes that marijuana is a
sacrament, a gift of the Mother (Nature) to Her children and that Mother
placed it on Earth so that Her children can communicate with Her better. 
Estelle's belief is that everyone has the religious right to partake of
natural sacraments for spiritual or medicinal purposes.
We are primary caregivers to my girlfriend's mother, Belle, an eighty-seven
year old diabetic.  In early 1998, Belle went into the hospital due to
complications with her diabetes.  In October of the same year she was
released as a partial amputee (right leg below the knee) and came to live
with us.  After long discussions about her ability to care for herself, we
decided that Belle and Estelle should buy a house large enough for the
three of us.  Belle used her savings for half of the down payment on the
house and put a down payment on a minivan since she couldn't get in and out
of Estelle's car.  Estelle and I committed to paying the mortgage and the
car payment.


A bit about our collective situation.

Estelle and I have retained lawyers.  For reasons I am not wholly sure of,
she and I need separate representation.  Conflict of interest was
mentioned, but I don't see a conflict between her situation and mine.  In
any case, her lawyer is charging "between fifteen and twenty thousand"
because she said the drugs were hers.  Mine is charging "twenty, but it
might go as high as twenty-five" because of the two priors.  The quotes are
from the lawyers.
Immediately after the arrest, Estelle cashed in a Certificate of Deposit. 
The money had been given to her by her mother.  With no savings of my own,
I contacted my family and was given enough to retain counsel.  Combined,
the money we were able to get comes to barely a third of the total
necessary for our defense.  If we do not come up with the remainder, the
lawyers will halt work and remove themselves from the case.  Due to the
nature of the case, a federal charge, we believe we each need a committed
and experienced lawyer.  It is not our belief that a public defender has
either of those qualifications.
This isn't a simple possession case.  If it were, I wouldn't be writing
this letter.  We had more than is considered consistent with personal use. 
Without going into specifics or admitting guilt, a buyers club was started
some time ago to assist other people in my situation (chronic pain, mental
as well as physical).  It was made up of Vietnam vets that were former
heroin users and smoked marijuana to stay clean, AIDS patients that smoked
to prevent the "wasting syndrome" caused by the virus, and several people
with debilitating physical pain.  In all of our cases, the marijuana worked
where other "legal" drugs or therapies had not.


The purpose for this letter.

You've probably guessed by now that I am going to ask for money for a
defense fund.  Estelle and I have only been able to come up with a third of
the money required by our lawyers.  I am calling on everyone that reads
this and agrees that medical marijuana should be legalized, to send
something ... anything.  I figure it this way, if I can get this letter
into the hands of twenty thousand internet users that are willing to help,
and those twenty thousand send one dollar apiece, our defense will be paid
for.  Obviously, twenty thousand is only half, and we have been able to get
a third.  The difference, I hope, will come from our personal friends.  We
have received "I'll help you any way I can" from many of those friends but
no actual donations at the writing of this letter.  On the plus side, we
have received one thousand dollars from an organization that assists
addicts in returning to mainstream society and fifty dollars from the nurse
that came in to dress Belle's stump.  These donations came after my family
gave what they could.
My mother has committed to administering the defense fund.  Donations
should be sent payable to Brenda Johnson and should be clearly marked
Defense Fund in the memo field.  Please send donations to:
Brenda Johnson
8139 Keeler St.
Alexandria, VA 22309

If you have assistance of a non-monetary type you can offer, for example,
you are a member of an organization involved with legalization, or the
medical marijuana movement and can donate time to testify in our behalf,
our lawyers can be contacted at:

Marvin Miller
Attorney at Law
1203 Duke St.
PO Box 663
Alexandria, VA  22313
703 548 5000 Office
703 739 0179 FAX
for me, Brett Screws and:

Charles W. Kramer
Attorney at Law
526 King St. Suite 213
Alexandria, VA  22314
703 836 7222 Office
703 836 0445 FAX
for my girlfriend, Estelle Shaffer

Thank you for reading this letter, please excuse the off topic nature and
please help.

Brett Screws
Estelle Shaffer


Message-ID: []
Date: Fri, 2 Jul 1999 00:45:05 EDT
Subject: Re: Summer shows, Tuesday night and Joseph Arthur
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I hope I'm not being conceited replying to my own post but could someone 
please tell me how to get tickets for Aimee's NYC show, ID policy, what day 
