From: (jewel-digest) To: Subject: jewel-digest V2 #300 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk jewel-digest Friday, April 25 1997 Volume 02 : Number 300 Today's Subjects: ----------------- I'll dub vids [ (MR TIMOTHY D CELMER)] Rugburns at Java Joe's [Tom Morales ] NJC: Hackers misconception (was: Beware of Hackers...) [Court Schuett ] Re: persons not to trade tapes with [Andrew Chandler ] Jewel VOTE [Andrew Chandler ] The Jewel idolatry thingy [Albert Sze-Wei Wang ] NEW CO-MODERATOR FOR IM: SINJIN [the emperor of smurfs ] NJC: Cereals [Tien Dang ] JC: Jewel on Batman and Robin soundtrack [Tien Dang ] Re: joey lauren adams [] Re: Various [] Jewel... Spiritual Human or Elevated Demi-Goddess? [davester ] Re: Who's goin? =) [James McGarry ] about going to see jewel on her birthday [laura catherine taylor Subject: Rugburns at Java Joe's I have to make this quick. I have so many emails to read. The Rugburns are going to be at Java Joe's this coming Thursday, May 1st, same time as last. Doors open around seven and the show probably won't start until 9 or 9:30. See you all there. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 01:00:51 -0500 From: Court Schuett Subject: NJC: Hackers misconception (was: Beware of Hackers...) I've said this before and I'll probably say it again. The person describes in the previous post, a malicious and thieving person, was not a hacker. A hacker is not someone who steals data, time, or anything for that matter. A hacker is someone who loves knowledge, information, and computers. The media has given hackers such a bad image through movies, and news reports labeling anybody who writes a virus, breaks into a computer, etc, a hacker. These people are not hackers. It takes years of dedication and effort to become what I would consider a hacker. Not the five minutes it takes to learn how to run a virus they downloaded, or leeched off of someone. Calling these people hackers, gives people who are truly hackers a bad name. Hackers don't destroy or steal for fun, they learn, and share. I've even know hackers who get into a system, and then tell the sysadmin how they got in, so the sysadmin can fix the hole. Please, don't call anyone who steals using a computer a hacker. If anybody would like, I have a copy of the Hacker's Manifesto by the Mentor. It is truly a beautiful explanation. If you would like a copy, please mail me. I'd rather not send the whole thing to the list. Only in 1984 is Ignorance Strength. - -=Court /* Court Schuett, a totally modern boy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ baby it's sad, but baby it's a fact there are people with torches for people like that we threw rocks at him when we were nine he stared us down with the pride of frankenstein -Too Much Joy ***************************************************************************/ ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 01:19:04 -0500 From: Subject: Re: Hackers misconception (was: Beware of Hackers...) > I've said this before and I'll probably say it again. The person > describes in the previous post, a malicious and thieving person, was not a > hacker. A hacker is not someone who steals data, time, or anything for > that matter. A hacker is someone who loves knowledge, information, and > computers. i must agree... in school once our Technology Instuctor posted signs that said "no hacking"... seeing these signs i decided to post the definition of a hacker by each sign he put up... hackers are not just malicious fools... the people on AOL have cracked.... not hacked... just because those who seek knowledge will stop at nothing to get to it does not make them criminals or awful people... where would microsoft be today without hackers? abram ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 00:20:10 -0700 From: (Kalipatnam V Rao) Subject: NJC - guitar players I would like to thank everyone who has helped my in choosing a guitar. I really appreciated your willingness to help and offer input. I'll be shopping for one for the next couple of weeks, and I'll let you know what I choose. Also, I may ask you more specific questions later on - all of you obviously are experienced players. thanks much, naveen ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 00:21:25 -0700 From: John-Eric Subject: Re: See Jewel on her birthday! Casey quickly spouted: <> "We are EveryDay Angels ... " I am not one to take things really personally and to comment a lot but this really hurt me that you can be so rude to a fellow angel, Casey. =( I think it would be a nice treat for Jewel to see some of her EDAs show up overseas on her birthday and would be a nice surprise -- from what I hear she had a horrible time in Europe the last time around and having angels nearby would brighten her special day. Peter, thanks for sharing the info. and I for one might go and see her -- not just because it is her birthday -- but because I would love to see her in a more intimate setting again. "Practice random acts of kindness and senseless beauty ... " - -- JE ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 07:04:51 -0400 From: Andrew Chandler Subject: Re: persons not to trade tapes with It is nice that you warn us but you better have your lawyers ready! You can get in big trouble for posting peoples names and addresses and for saying they cheat people. They may be doing this but like I said, have your lawyers ready. Andrew. Robb Leigh wrote: > > as a public announcement I have been collecting names of people who > constantly welch on tape trades, if you know of anyone I will be creating a > web page devoted to this. so far I have found heard of who have burned > several people on trades: > > Linzy Russo > > 8269 Barksdale Lane > Manlius NY 13104 > > Kerry > > 47 Mayhew Ave. > Larchmont, NY 10538 > "No time for sanity chum" - The Tick > Robb's Writings, Concert Tapes, & Junk > - constantly updated > IRC - Undernet - #Ani_DiFranco - @Purple21 ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 07:12:01 -0400 From: Andrew Chandler Subject: Jewel VOTE To everyone: If you wanna vote, go ahead and do it as many times as you want to. There is NOTHING that states you can only vote once. Andrew. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 03:05:57 -0400 (EDT) From: Albert Sze-Wei Wang Subject: The Jewel idolatry thingy I thought I'd respond to the Jewel idolatry thing- keep in mind I enjoy these little debates and things so though I may disagree with what some people may have to say, I certainly do respect their saying it. :) I really do think that the 'we need to prevent the Jewel idolatry' thing is really beginning to go too far. For as long as there have been performers, actors, and famous people, there have always been people who for one reason or another look up to them with perhaps a bit more fervor than they should. This is a fact of life. As long as we have people, this kind of thing will always happen. I find it personally more than a little disturbing that there are people who naively think that if we shelter Jewel from certain publications or don't participate in certain voting for "the most beautiful person" that magically Jewel will be protected. To those people I would ask them to take a step back and reflect on a few things. 1) As long as there are sentient beings and other sentient beings in the public eye, there will always be some sentient beings who aren't in the public eye who call themselves fans for the wrong reasons. That's just the way the cookie crumbles. This brings me to 2. 2) Jewel is a big girl. She's witty, she's fast on her feet, she can take care of herself. She knows who she is, where she came from and she knows she has the EDAs who will help her whenever we can, not because we all think she's the second coming or place her as a false idol or anything hokey like that, but because she remindes us of a piece of ourselves, our hopes, and our dreams as people in living our own lives. Anyone else is free to think whatever else they want. Jewel and her management team know what they're doing. On Fri, 25 Apr 1997, Michael H. Weller wrote: > know how to quote yet--sorry) She is human. And I think reminding us > of what we act like AS HUMANS puts into perspective what she must act > like when she's out of angel-mode. OK, this kind of stuff I take exception to. There is absolutely nothing wrong with striving every day to be angelic- to be true to yourself, to be the best person you can be. Your statement implies that such a thing is not possible and my response is- I understand you don't believe it's possible, but please don't say it like it's impossible for everyone. It's the same cop-out excuse I've heard from people who think it's ok to steal and hurt other people. "Hey man, we're not perfect so we can do this shit and try to get away with it." I don't buy it for a second. We are who we strive each day to be, whether angelic or cynical. > But as for this "we're all angels" > stuff, I think it further supports your reasoning. Angels have always > been these ethereal beings of perfection and beauty that humans vainly > strive for. I'm sorry you don't believe being true to yourself is a pursuit worth striving for. We must all be really vain trying to be the best people we can. Enough sarcasm, but if you're going to use religious references, get your facts straight. Angels AREN'T perfect. In traditional Christian beliefs, only GOD is perfect. The angels serve MAN. Remember that Lucifer was cast from heaven according to the myths because he REFUSED to serve MAN. Let me repeat that in case you missed it. Lucifer was cast from heaven according to the mythos because he REFUSED to serve MAN. Lucifer, the greatest and brightest of the angels would only serve God, and for that, he was cast out of heaven with his followers. Hence the idea behind Satan and the devil was born. Aren't these stories just grand? There is nothing wrong with striving to be angelic- we ARE all angels if we strive to be. We are capable of as much or as little as we believe ourselves to be. Each of us decides which paths we take, and what we strive for. We are every day angels because every day we have the potential of granting wishes, helping people, giving a piece of ourselves to alleviate another's suffering, like angels. But we have to CHOOSE to do these things. > In saying that we're all angels, Jewel is telling us to > stop striving for this unattainable ideal but realize that humanity, > with all its foibles, is beautiful. That's your interpretation and you're right, it's beautiful. :) It's beautiful no matter which way you look at it. It's pretty neat that way. :) (See above previous paragraph for what I see) > So what if she was being rude on > Nickelodean (which I am really tired of reading about now), she was > being human. I don't think Jewel was rude at all. I remembered when I was in elementary school, that was the standard way of telling kids to be quiet. Believe it or not, there's a big respect thing going on between kid and adult when that happens. And when you play music it's really quite captivating. :) Jewel was just being Jewel, not some generic 'human.' If she was just human, she wouldn't be Jewel. :) I guess my take on this is a person who exists is human. But a person who actively lives their life by what they believe and what they value will find themselves and know who they are. I guess until then, you're just human. :) >Don't you guys hate the perfect people you meet in your > day-to-day lives? Wow, you've actually met such people? They actually exist?? Do you hate them because they represent everything you can never be or because they represent something you believe you can never attain? I know I have yet to meet a single person who's perfect. A lot of best people I know simply are themselves and that's all they need to be. :) > They're just so, what's the word I'm looking for, > boring-maybe? I would imagine they'd be quite interesting since I haven't met one who is perfect in every sense of the word. How do you define perfection? It's different for each person. > Has anyone ever read Gullivers Travels? Swift paints the > picture of boring and even cruel perfection in these horse-people called > Hounounyms, but the Yahoos (the human-like) are passionate and even > sqaubbly, but so much more sympathetic. I would hardly call the Hounouyms perfect. They were imperfect in their belief of perfection, at least that's how I saw it. All glitter and no substance. That's hardly perfection. > "Songs of Innocence and Experience" until you get to college and the > really cool stuff) even uses angels as an oppressive image. Well, religion uses angels and icons for their own purposes. That's what you get when you take things at face value and ask questions or feel you have a right to exercise free thought. > Perfection, > when it becomes dogmatic and represses criticism, turns into a dystopic > dictatorship. Perfection according to one person's eye yes. Perfection in each of our own eyes with our own standards? No. What you're talking about is oppression not perfection. Someone can find someone else perfect in their eyes, but yet in that person's eyes feel they themselves are not perfect.. It's called free-thought. We will never be perfect in everyone's eyes, but we can strive to be by living true to ourselves and no one else. > Certainly the EDA's don't want to be that. I think this > is Mike's well-taken point. Well, I agree we don't want to be like Gulliver's Travels, but we aren't anyways. Everyone on this list is free to think and feel as they please. Not one definition rules supreme. We each believe whatever we wish, and live our lives however we wish. And every eay, each of us strives to be the best person we can be by our own standards, not by anyone else's. Jewel is the nexus for all of us, reminding us to look at ourselves and our dreams and THAT I feel is what is at the core of being an EDA. We are each other's angels and that's something that's truly inspiring to so many people who have met us. :) Albert Wang Dark Seraph Jewel Quotes and QTs ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 05:12:21 -0700 From: Casey Hansen Subject: Re: See Jewel on her birthday! John-Eric wrote: > > Casey quickly spouted: > > < would be willing to spend like 1,000 dollars, go to a country that you > probably don't even speak the language and see a concert just becasue > Its her birthday, damn, get a life or some friends of something, Jewel > is only a singer and you are but obsessed!>> > > "We are EveryDay Angels ... " > > I am not one to take things really personally and to comment a lot but > this really hurt me that you can be so rude to a fellow angel, Casey. > =( I think it would be a nice treat for Jewel to see some of her EDAs > show up overseas on her birthday and would be a nice surprise -- from > what I hear she had a horrible time in Europe the last time around and > having angels nearby would brighten her special day. Peter, thanks for > sharing the info. and I for one might go and see her -- not just because > it is her birthday -- but because I would love to see her in a more > intimate setting again. > > "Practice random acts of kindness and senseless beauty ... " > > -- JE That is the most pathetic thing I have ever heard! What is Jewel going to think of you If she sees you? She gonna think "Whoo this freak came all the way from America becasue he is an obsessed insane person, its time for me to completly exclude myself from these insane internet people and stick to normal people" People, can Jewel have a personal life, can Jewel go anyware without us following her thinking that she always like's it. She is not there for our disposal, damn! Leave the poor gal alone sometimes, fans are one thing, but some of yall are another! Danke, Casey ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 08:46:44 -0400 (EDT) From: the emperor of smurfs Subject: NEW CO-MODERATOR FOR IM: SINJIN hi EDAs! our friend James Judd has retired as a co-moderator of IM. on behalf of my fellow co-moderators, i'd like to take this opportunity to welcome Sinjin as a new co-moderator of Innocence Maintained: the Jewel News Only List. we look forward to continuing to provide our fellow EDAs with timely and informative news items. IM is run for the benefit of all EDAs. please take a moment to let us know how we are doing. we always welcome feedback. you can reach us at below my signature file, i have attached instructions on how to subscribe to IM. i'd personally like to thank jeff w, james j, james m, and joe m, for all of the dedication and support they've given me since we created IM last August. i'd also like to thank all of the EDAs for being wonderful friends to me. thanks, dave *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* Dave DiCicco let your love cover me, like a pair of angel wings, you are my family --- pierce pettis *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* *********SUBSCRIPTION INFO********** To subscribe to the Jewel News List do the following: send email to: with "subscribe" Without quotes in the body. Not the subject line. The format for the news list will be loose mail only. There will be no digest option at this time. No one on the news list will be able to post directly to the news list. However if you are subscribed to the news list and have some info that should be posted you can send it in an email to and the current moderator on duty will then approve the post. peace, dave ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 08:46:51 -0400 (EDT) From: James McGarry Subject: Re: Various On Thu, 24 Apr 1997, Enigmatic Paradox wrote: > baby doll voice.) And. can someone tell me what Cibo Matto sounds like? I > think I want to buy the CD but I've never heard them before. A friend of Cibo Matto... ...They sounds like Shonen Knife on really bad drugs(?) ;-) ... ummm... or sometimes... Ice-T if he was tiny, female and Japanese... or... the slurpy noises you make when eating soup. You might guess I'm having trouble describing them. They are FUN though, I love their cover of Black Hole Sun and I love their Know Your Chicken song and they are hilarious in interview. :-) They to a rap/trance/hip hop thing with a lot of synth and samples and a bit of dub and beat poetry thrown into the mix. Viva La Woman is their CD, but they have a couple of 7"s and at least 1 EP before that. I have a love of quirky, more than a little strange bubblegum-punkish sorts of bands. If you get a chance, check out cub (Mint Records), Plumtree (Cinnamon Toast Records), Radioblaster (Squirtgun Records), COAL (Zulu and Mint/Cargo Records), and Scratching Post (Squirtgun). They are all good, and yet quirky. None of them sound anything like Tori or Jewel or Paula, Patti, etc. For male singers, check out a guy by the name of Aaron Riches, who is sort of like Billy Bragg and Jewel's secret love child. :-) He's a Guelph boy too! James. ========================================================================== James McGarry | jmcgarry@UoGuelph.CA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- And I, infinitesmal being, drunk with the great starry void, likeness, image of mystery, I felt myself a pure part of the abyss, I wheeled with the stars, my heart broke loose on the wind. - Poetry, Pablo Neruda ========================================================================== ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 08:19:00 -0500 (CDT) From: Tien Dang Subject: NJC: Cereals Hey EDAs, Well, it's early in the morning over here in Houston. I woke up in the morning and was ready to have a heaping bowl of Lucky Charms Cereal, (MY FAVORITE), diamonds...... :), well anyways I find out my little brother ate it all!!!!!!! AHHHHH!!!!!! I can't function without eating some kind of cereal in the morning. I search frantically for some other box of cereal. Then I see a box of Grape Nuts Cereal, This box looks like it's expired but what the hell, I need to eat some kind of cereal. It's been a long...long time since I actually eaten this, but when I was put the first spoonful of it in my mouth, I was reminded how bad Grape Nuts tasted. Grape Nuts tastes like dog food!!!!!!!, not that I know what dog food tastes like, okay......okay I confess I've eaten a dog biscuit here and there. I like the ones with..... *kidding,kidding* heheh :) Well Grape Nuts Cereal is awful isn't it? Take care EDAs and have a nice day!!!!!!! EDA in Houston who has to go buy some Lucky Charms later on today. Tien "Somewhere...Sometime...All things will be fine"-BUSH ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 08:25:20 -0500 (CDT) From: Tien Dang Subject: JC: Jewel on Batman and Robin soundtrack Hey EDAs, It's me again, I forgot to tell you something in my last post. I was listening to the 104 KRBE this morning on my way to school and they said that Jewel will be on the Batman and Robin Movie Soundtrack. Cool!!!!!!!!! They didn't say what song she is doing but it will be in stores on June 3rd. COOL!!!!!!! Well anyways gotta go...HAVE A NICE DAY!!!!!!!!!! :) EDA in Houston Tien "Somewhere...Sometime...All things will be fine"-BUSH ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 10:21:38 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: joey lauren adams In a message dated 97-04-25 03:45:28 EDT, (Jennifer Ann Austin) writes: << I have read that renee was in dazed and confused too, but she must have had a non-speaking part, or was cut in editing. I've seen the movie many times, and I've never seen her in it, and she's not listed in the credits. Joey Lauren Adams was in it, though. >> oh! i just got D&C on tape (Anthony Rapp & Adam Goldberg RULE!! Parker Posey is a goddess!!) so i'll have to check. If I remember clearly Renee was a brunette in it though. I think she might have played the freshman's sister? and in a little more NJC- is there anyone out there who has advice for someone looking into a laserdisc player- or possibly DVD? pros- cons... etc? if you do could ya e-mail me? : ) thanks. rick going to see mary chapin carpenter tonite!! ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 10:21:42 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Re: Various In a message dated 97-04-25 03:56:56 EDT, writes: << Re: books into movies: How about "The Princess Bride?" I thought it was a great movie, and also a superb book. Although the movie had to remove some of the author's personal stuff that happened as he was reading the book to his kid, it still was great.>> Oh, how I loved "The Princess Bride"!! Some films disappoint me with changes- "Mary Reilly" i think- and some improve- "Dolores Claiborne". Some I hope will get done just as they are -"The Secret History"!!!!!! pardon me while i drool. Loved the book-to-film adaptation of "Interview with the Vampire". <> okay- all it says is that unlike in late winter, when the top 10 albums were in a constant state of fluctuation (sp??) lately they've been pretty much stable. "The top 7 albums were all frozen in place- including, at No. 6, "Pieces of You" from Jewel, whose ballad "You Were Meant For Me" has been hovering near the top of the singles chart for weeks on end." :-) rick ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 10:58:25 -0700 From: davester Subject: Jewel... Spiritual Human or Elevated Demi-Goddess? > Mike wrote: > Since most of us Don't know her, we don't see her faults. She is just a > person like you and me(well, alot more singing ability than me,true)and she > has faults. I'm sure she gets mad and yells at people over stupid things and > makes mistakes and does things wrong like we all do. SHE IS HUMAN too. But > we don't know her so we don't see that, all we see is the wonderful singing > poet with the brilliant thoughts and voice. Hello EDAs, I know this topic has been discussed to death, but I feel a need to talk about it and get it off my chest. I've been thinking about the issue of "Idolizing Jewel" a lot as of late. Most of stems for the 2 hour 'discussion' (more like a debate) I had with my girlfirend concerning my love (or like) for Jewel's music and her apparent ideals. From her vantage point, we (EDAs) are like a religious cult with Ms. Jewel Kilcher as our patron saint. And that some of the webpages dedicated to her have do have a deifying nomer to it (i.e., Jewel's Shrine - I don't exactly remember the name...Sorry, but I would like to say I DO NOT agree with her!) Basically, she is saying that if so many people devote so much time and energy to just ONE person it comes pretty close to classifying us as cult group? So for the next 2 hours I argued with her all this matter. And my personal feelings are this: 1) I don't feel that creating a webpage dedicated to her is bad. Personally I think it's good. The webpages provide a mechanism for Jewel fans to spread the word, give tours and appearance information, and access to music and poetry which are not found on PoY (which is the only source of Jewel music most of us have). Not to mention building webpages are a lot of fun. And as for the name thing(i.e., Jewel's Shrine/Temple/etc...), it's just a clever sounding name. Nothing more, nothing less. 2) The list is more than just an Everything about Jewel place. I see it as place where people who happened to have a common interest getting together and talking, sharing, and hanging out. And isn't that how most friendships begin, commonality. I've seen plenty of posts where Jewel has nothing to do with the topic of conversation. I've also seen the list as a place where people can post their everyday woes and can expect support from the other EDAs. (Kinda like 'Cheers'-"NORM") No, I do not love Jewel. I have never met her. I don't know what she is like. For all I know she could have as much skeletons in her closet as the next person. But I do love her music, her voice, and the message that she is trying to spread. I respect her greatly, but love... I am in no position to feel that emotion for her. Because, like many of us, I don't know the real her. But what I do know about her is what Mike wrote. She has a great voice and makes really beautiful music which carries a really beautiful (and idealistic) message. She is also human, with as much imperfections as the rest of us, and much of what she says is common sense. Many of us are just too dense to realize it unless someone like Jewel smacks us in the head and says to our face. I'm sorry if I have offended anyone. This post was something that I had to do to get rid of this uneasy feeling I have since my discussion with my girlfriend. I would also appreciate if you guys would post any responses you may for I suspect she is secretly subscribed onto this list. I guess that was the reason why I made this post just to prove to my girlfriend (and I guess myself) that the EDAs are not a cult but just a bunch of really cool people talking and sharing. Thanks for you time. Laters. Dave :-| P.S. If anybody feels the need to flame me. I ask that you send directly to me. Thanks. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 11:06:11 -0700 From: davester Subject: Follow-up to: Jewel... Spiritual Human or Elevated Demi-Goddess Just as I sent my last message, I get this message from my girlfriend: > Cult as defined in Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary - a usually small circle of persons united by devotion or allegiance to an artistic or intellectual movement or figure. I'm having a really bad day... Dave :-( ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 08:03:31 -0700 (PDT) From: Cherm Subject: Re: Who's goin? =) natalie merchant wasn't mentioned on the lilith fair web site. is she really going to be there? either was sheryl crow. - --michael cherman newport beach, ca > > Some of the artist scheduled to appear on a ROTATING basis are Natalie Merchant, > Jewel, Sheryl Crow, Joan Osborne, Suzanne Vega, Mary Chapin Carpenter, EmmyLou Harris, > the Cardigans, Juliana Hatfield, Lisa Loeb, Aimee Mann and Neneh Cherry. The Lillith > Fair was put together by Sarah McLachlan and a percentage of each ticket sale will go to > local women's charities. Again the artists are appearing on a rotating basis, so not > each artist is going to be a each show. This is according to Rolling Stone ( The issue > with Brad Pitt on the Cover.) > > Mike > ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 11:13:03 -0400 (EDT) From: James McGarry Subject: Re: Who's goin? =) On Fri, 25 Apr 1997, Cherm wrote: > natalie merchant wasn't mentioned on the lilith fair web site. is she > really going to be there? either was sheryl crow. Nettwerk and Sarah seem to have been really concerned about stuff like this, which is why any date not 100% confirmed is not up there. Everyone listed at the Lillith Fair site has committed to at least one date. So while Natalie and Sheryl will be touring with LF its likely they will not be at all dates. James. ========================================================================== James McGarry | jmcgarry@UoGuelph.CA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- An artist should be fit for the best society and keep out of it. - - John Ruskin ========================================================================== ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 09:25:04 -0600 (MDT) From: laura catherine taylor Subject: about going to see jewel on her birthday dear angels-- i find this sort of amusing, i mean that we are ridiculing each other over a trip to germany. in my own opinion, i would go in a heart-beat. not because i idolize jewel or think i may make good marks by crossing the ocean, but because i have been to cologne. and if i had four-hundred dollars i would pay it just to see the cathedral again. and if jewel happened to be there on her birthday that would be an added plus. i think something a lot of eda's don't realize is that travelling to see jewel is a package deal. and she is a good excuse to travel, meet other people, and learn more about our world. i mean i can use my own experience of travelling from my little niche in new mexico to san diego for the hot dog fest as an example. sure, i went out there to see jewel. and she was tremendous! but when i reflect on that trip, i think more often of the edas i met, the beautiful atmosphere of that city, even the chocolate-vanilla milkshakes at the harbor-house more than i think of jewel. and i met lots of edas there who have followed jewel around the country. and the truth is, i could barely get them to talk about jewel. so, i beg you guys to understand that we all see jewel in a different light. but i seriously doubt many us really deify her. as for going to cologne--if you can, do it! it is so beautiful and even if you were only to experience two days of airports, hotels, and city buses, you will have enough stories to last you a long time. sorry, sometimes i purchase soapbox seats luna ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 10:21:15 -0500 (CDT) From: (Derrick) Subject: Just Rumors? I've heard recently from more than one person that they are no longer selling tickets for Rockfest through Ticketmaster. I "think" the mail-in offer is still going on, but someone else told me a local store even stopped that too. Is this concert sold out already...does anyone know??? That would be very surprising. Especially since they're predicting over 250,000 people! Derrick ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 11:34:36 EDT From: (Shelly L Curson) Subject: Obsessed? Hello- Just want to say a few things here in response to Sean Hooks and Mike -batdump. I agree that we should all be able to have our own opinions and express them. But I think you need to be careful about generalizing the 1,100 + people on this list as being "obsessed" and "cukoo for co-co puffs". You are making some pretty big assumptions here. This list is about helping others, and building friendships. We just happen to all appreciate Jewel and her music. Sure, some people do get carried away sometimes, but like you said Mike, we're only human. And, I don't recall anyone ever saying that Jewel is perfect and she can do no wrong. Correct me if I'm wrong here, but this is yet another assumption you have made. My only question to you is... If EVERY SINGLE PERSON on this list is just a bunch of obsessed Jewel fans who all believe she is absolutely perfect and she is all of our personal best friends, and you have such a big problem with it, then who's forcing you to continue to stay? Certainly not a bunch of lunatics!! - -Shelly ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 10:32:49 -0500 (CDT) From: (Derrick) Subject: *** Rockfest EDA List Update *** To all EDA's: Here's an updated list (4/25) of all of the EDA's that are going to try to make the Rockfest '97 concert on June 21, 1997 in Fort Worth, TX. Some are more serious than others but this is just a list of everyone whose shown an interest. As the concert gets closer, I'll have this narrowed down to the EDA's that are *for sure* going to be there. If you don't see your name here and want to go, then please e-mail me, Farr, or Christina with your info. (Their e-mail addresses are below) Or if you see any incorrect info about you on this list, please let one of us know. Each name with a "*" by it means that this person has shown interest in attending the tailgate party being held Friday, June 20. As the concert gets closer, the "tailgate EDA's list" will be narrowed down to those that are *for sure* going to attend. *Any EDA's that will need a place to stay OR can offer a place for other EDA's to stay, please e-mail Farr. He is compiling a list with this info. * In future updates, I hope to have a list of several hotels near the concert site for those of you wishing to make reservations soon. *Anyone that needs a ride or can give a ride to others, please e-mail Christina about that. She is keeping a list of carpool info. Also, if anyone sees another person here from their area on this list, you might try just sending them a letter to arrange a ride if possible. If so, please let Christina know so she can update her list. - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** ROCKFEST '97 EDA LIST *** ============================= *Angela DiIulio - Fort Worth, TX - *Christina Ferrara - York, PA - *Derrick Karacostas - Hitchcock, TX - *Farr Shepherd - Tecumseh, OK - *Demian Blair - Pittsburgh, PA - *Laura Capello - Kansas City, MO - *Michael Cherman - Newport Beach, CA - *John Cummings - Columbus, OH - *Bill and Carrie Dallner - Chicago, IL - *Duff, lastname - city, state - *Douglas Stephen Garay - Dallas, TX - *Jon Hargett - Auburn, AL - e-mail address *Jennifer Hicks - Atlanta, GA - *James Judd - Auburn, AL - James.Judd@Eng.Auburn.EDU *Steve Mier - Omaha, NE - e-mail address *Luke Nye - Omaha, NE - (may ride with Steve) *Mike Spring - Orlando, FL - *Dan Stark - Windsor, Ontario - danstark@MNSi.Net *John-Eric Stevens - Roseville, CA - *Amelia Vlah (Mia) - Cleveland, OH- (riding with Dan Stark) *Andy Wang - Seattle, WA - Andy.Wang@MSNBC.COM (news media guy) Sandy Andrews - Orlando, FL - (riding with Mike Spring) Angel , lastname - city, state - Becca, lastname - Houston, TX - Dan Bogacz - Pittsburgh, PA - (riding with John Fisher) Richard Chang (Akira) - city, state - Will, Cheng - Sugarland, TX - Tien Dang - Houston, TX - tdang2@Bayou.UH.EDU Mandy Dokes - San Diego, CA - Dan Faissol - San Francisco, CA - John Fisher - Cincinnati, OH - Kate Fisher - York, PA - (riding with Christina) Michael Garnett - Peoria, IL - Kira Green - city, state - Mark Hardy - city, FL - Tessa "Harris" - El Paso, TX - Tyler Holsapple - Lubbock, TX - Karen, lastname - city, FL - Stacy Katz - Houston, TX - Mark Suva Madlangbayan - Pensacola, FL - Rachel Martin - Manassas, VA - Ashe Mayfair - St. Joseph, MO - Laura Anne Mccasland - city, ND - Thomas N. Miles - Ephrata, PA - (riding with Christina) Natalie, lastname - Chicago, IL - Heather Nelson - College Station, TX - Chris Pavek - Amarillo, TX - Naveen Rao - Plano, TX - John Ridgway - Grapevine, TX - Russell Rivera - Lynbrook, NY - Lisa Schiller - Bloomington, IL - Richard Stemann - Cincinnati, OH - Fons Taddic - Houston, TX - ftzog@Bayou.UH.EDU Luna Taylor - Plano, TX - Chris Wieland - Houston, TX - Total: 55 (and counting)! :-) 21 tail-gaters so far! - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Once again, everyone on this list are EDA's that have at least mentioned they *might* be going to the Rockfest. Some are more sure than others, but I'm going to wait until probably the end of May to post a confirmed list. Reminder: Get your tickets soon as there are a limited number available and it's first come, first serve! Make those Blockbuster purchases for your *free* tickets! *** For more info, check out *** For additional info on Rockfest as well as other EDA info, you can also check out Thanks, ~ Derrick ~ (This list will be updated every Friday) ------------------------------ End of jewel-digest V2 #300 ***************************