This page contains links to other Jewel pages on the web along with brief comments about each.
Other Jewel Web Sites
Jewel Pages |
Alaskan Jewel Page
A nice, one page tribute to Jewel.
Albert Wang's Jewel quotation and quicktime page
Jewel quotes with audio and video clips of many of the quotes. I highly recommend this page. It makes me wish I had my bandwidth back.
Brendan's Jewel Page
(subtitled Goddess of the Spirit and Youth). An interesting lyrics page with some nicely done transparent gifs. There's only the intro page and the lyrics page, but they're both very nicely done.
Brendan's Jewel Windows 95 Theme
Brendan's created a Windows 95 theme based on Jewel. I can't really say much about it since I don't have Windows95, but if you've got it I'd recommend getting this theme pack. Maybe it would even make a PC usable.
Colin Stuckless' Jewel Page
The first Jewel page on the net (as far as I know). I owe a great debt to Colin. I got most of my early knowledge of Jewel from his page. If it hadn't been for his page, I might not have gotten in to Jewel's music and this page might not have ever existed. The lyrics section also has audio clips of some of the songs. Very infrequently updated these days.
Everyday Angels
My Jewel page. A large gallery of every picture of Jewel I've found, and a discography of her work with links to lyric files (including lyrics for some of her unreleased songs). Still a good site in terms of content, but it is infrequently updated and despite my best intentions, it doesn't look like it will be updated as often as Jewel deserves any time soon.
Gerrit's Jewel Page
Gerrit has an interesting little yearbook where Jewel fan's can enter a bit of their personal info and you can see info on other Jewel fans. He's also got a scrapbook of pictures from JewelStock, a very good list of other Jewel sites on the web, and a searchable lyrics archive.
Guitar World Something
Haven't checked it out yet.
Interview at The Sound 'zine
A nice interview with a couple pictures.
James Judd's pictures from the online concert page
A number of pictures from Jewel's online concert.
Jay Itchon's Jewel Kilcher Homepage
Jay was another early Jewel fan whose page has a number of nice pictures of early Jewel in concert, taken by Jay. Jay was kind enough to let me use his pictures on my page. He also provided me with the clip of "My own private God's Gift to women" Recorded live april 6th at Brazil Coffee house.
Jewel at Yahoo
Pretty self explanatory. Yahoo's list of Jewel sites.
The Jewel Chronology page
A list of all of Jewel's concerts and other important dates and events. It also has links to sound clips, pictures and movies. It seemed a bit slow when I tried to access it, and a couple of the pictures had trouble loading. An impressive breadth of information. It's maintained by Adam Longfellow.
Jewel at Launch Magazine
An okay picture of Jewel with an interview
Robert Plafta's page
A couple pictures of Jewel and a couple audio clips.
Jewel at People Magazine
Very short article about Jewel, nice picture of her in her van.
WNEW Wall Of Fame
A couple Jewel Pics. One in a shoe store, and several on a radio show.
A review of Pieces of You at ATN
Interesting review of Pieces of You, including several audio clips.
Guitar tab for Pieces Of You
This page doesn't seem to exist anymore. Guitar tabs for Pieces of You.
Pieces of Jewel
Adam is the current maintainer of the FAQ. The page appears to have gone under some major revisions since I last reviewed it and it looks a lot better. This site still has a lot of good content, and the recent changes make it much easier to handle. There is a very good News section, which is frequently updated, and a good collection of Jewel articles. When last I checked, there was an extensive gallery, but all the pictures were fairly small and low resolution.
Who Will Save Your Soul
A number of samples, a very sparse list of links to other jewel pages, a number of images (many of which were taken from this site), and a number of tabs.
TaPAz's Jewel Kilcher Shrine/FAQ
Not much more than the FAQ. Looks like my copy with more information added.
Huxxley's Jewel Page
A couple pics (all referenced from this page) and some brief info. Mostly just pointers to stuff elsewhere.
Name Unknown
Seems to be nothing more than a directory of images at the moment.
WIQB Photo Gallery
A radio station's photo gallery, with at least one picture of Jewel.
Jewel Guitar Tab page
A number of guitar tabs for Jewel's songs.
Absolute Jewel
Mostly just links, with one or two pictures that are available most places.
AudioNet online Jewel concert
Name says it all.
Addicted to Noise article about a Jewel concert.
Brief review, makes mention of the whole Delores O'Riordan thing.
Atlantic's official Jewel site.
Deep Water
Lyrics and pictures with a list of links to other Jewel sites. Most links open a new window for the link, and javascript is used to give them little labels so you can't tell where you're going. A list of Jewel tapes for traders. A lot of the content links (news, faq, lyrics) actually point to parts of other pages.
Very appealing main page. Links sorted by category (nice touch). Links to clips at other sites. A small but well chosen gallery. Tour dates (including ones from Pieces of Jewel within a frame). And a link to an older copy of the FAQ.
Mark's Jewel Kilcher Page
Ouch. First impression: very busy background image (jewel collides with Photoshop) with randomly colored text. Some info, somewhat confusing.
A pretty nice, simple site. A few pictures, although the thumbnails for them are generated by just using the height and width tags to shrink the pictures down, so it takes a while to load the picture page. Links to a couple movies at the MTV site, and links to other Jewel pages.
Mediadome, webisode something. I haven't really looked at it, but I think you need Shockwave.
Jewel Mailing List Netiquette And New Member Guide
Helpful info for new members of the Jewel mailing list.
Jewel @ Paul McAleer
Some basic Jewel info, some pics and some links.
Jewel Videoscans
Some nice Jewel pics, mostly stored at
Simply Jewel
Real Audio gallery, some nice pictures, lyrics, news, a fairly sparce list of links, etc.
Jewel- Food for Your Soul
Basic page. Pictures from this site, lyrics, links
Jewel audio only page
Lots of audio clips. Very nice.
Jewel Guitar Tabs Page
I can't say much since I don't play guitar, but a lot of people ask me for tabs so I'm guessing this is fairly useful for them.
Another Tab Page
Has a couple Jewel tabs plus tabs from other bands.
Jewel page #12
News, faq, links, etc. Basic but solid.
The Jewel Pages
First impression: I like it. Nice layout, good design. Not entirely comprehensive, but what's here is done very well. Part of the Jewel web ring.
The Jewel Shrine
Plenty of content (pictures, sounds, movies, etc.) My only real complaints are the ugly green background color, and the fact that he's got an ad at the bottom of his main page.
Jewel Theme for Windows 95
A Jewel theme for Windows 95 (with plus pack).
Jewel Morning Songs
Some pictures and links to other pages.
LAUNCHonline: Backstage with Jewel
A brief interview with Jewel along with a couple real audio clips.
My Own Private Jewel Site
Some very good content (news, good pictures), but the background color makes it difficult to see link text.
Near You Always
Comes in frame and non-frame versions (always a plus). Frames are nicely implemented, good basic selection of content. News appears to be updated frequently. Nicely done.
Quiet Warrior
This page doesn't seem to be there anymore, although it is still part of the web ring.
A couple pictures, a couple links, a couple lyrics all jammed together.
Silver Lining
A few small pictures and some links. Part of the web ring.
A couple pictures, a couple sound clips, and some links. Part of the Jewel Web Ring.
Tribute To Jewel
A fairly basic page. A little hard to read because of the background image, which is nice but interferes with the text. A couple pictures, sound clips and links.
Jewel Web Ring
One of those newfangled web rings. A way to find a lot of Jewel pages easily. Haven't messed with it much.
David's World Of Jewel
Recently created but shows a lot of promise. Mostly just links to other pages at the moment.
Jewel band card at UBL |
Jewel links, etc. at the Ultimate Band List site
