From: (fegmaniax-digest) To: Subject: fegmaniax-digest V11 #123 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk fegmaniax-digest Wednesday, April 17 2002 Volume 11 : Number 123 Today's Subjects: ----------------- to lurk or not to lurk ~ that is the question [rand ] Re: the omega man [Brian Cully ] DVD players [Christopher Gross ] Re: At first I didn't understand what you had against this woman [Sebasti] talking out of my ass as usual ["Natalie Jane" ] orf-torpic [drew ] Re: DVD players [Ken Weingold ] RE: DVD players ["Brian Huddell" ] Omega point [ (James Dignan)] spread dut dust in a reaching way [Ken Ostrander ] Re: Omega point [cmb adams ] Re: Jonathan Turner ["Fric Chaud" ] What's all this got to do with Sharon's reproductive glands? [rosso@video] bottom line test mp3 [mike hooker ] Re: For Your Endurement (photos): [Jeffrey with 2 Fs Jeffrey ] Re: Kay's Show and Tell ["Brian Hoare" ] The urchin me to play in the tidepools ["matt sewell" Subject: to lurk or not to lurk ~ that is the question Hey !!!! Woke ya up there I suppose. I'll be brief - for I know not who is still on the list that remembers l'il old' me :-} Hi ... it's Randi ... had a big bunch of trouble that kept me away from the computer ... but I'm back. I don't want to name names ~ as I was infamous for (at least in my own mind : ) ~ but write me so I can get my addy book started again. (my whole c drive was wiped out and the backup disks are/were impossible to get at so my new hard drive has no address book to speak of) I would've come to nyc to see Robyn and surprise people but I recently came out of the hospital. What else is new ;-} Okay ~ there are so many of you I love ~ please write me : } Everyone going to a Robyn gig ... everyone who has gone to a Robyn gig ... I hope it is/was awesome. If anyone talks to him, tell him to get his butt to Toronto. The Soft Boys came ... oh ... that sounds funny ... not ha ha. ;-} My sense of humour is slightly off today 8-} Two quick questions ... What 'souvenirs' are being offered at the shows? And this new cd ~ 'Robyn sings' ~ 2 disc set of Uncle Bob songs, is it the same as "Rob, Bob, and Albert" in terms of quality? 'Cause my "R, B, & A" is listenable ... barely. Thanks for the help :-} fading back into yesterday before tomorrow comes, Randi Toronto, Ontario, Canada *what scares you most will set you free* ~ Robyn Hitchcock *by endurance we conquer* ~ Sir Earnest Shackleton ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 16:15:42 -0400 From: Brian Cully Subject: keep left signs On Tuesday, April 16, 2002, at 09:35 , Jeffrey with 2 Fs Jeffrey wrote: > Curiously, it's almost > always politics (or religion, or both...) that brings the Gangs of > Vicious > Keep-Right Signs to life. Weird. I woke from a dream this morning where I was watching this exact skit. Maybe we're entering the Age of Python. Invest in costumes. - -bjc ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 16:22:44 -0400 From: Brian Cully Subject: Re: the omega man On Tuesday, April 16, 2002, at 03:09 , The Great Quail wrote: > We need a FegmaniFAQs! Oof. That was horrible. Someone give that FegManyWacks! - -bjc ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 17:03:06 -0400 (EDT) From: Christopher Gross Subject: DVD players Well, I missed the Israel thread, but I do have another off-topic topic to bring up. Or maybe it is on-topic, since Storefront and Hen Out are available on DVD.... I'm thinking about buying a DVD player, so I'd like to hit you folks with a few questions: - -I want to pay as little money as possible, but I'm afraid of buying a lemon. Are there any cheapo brands that are notoriously unreliable and should be avoided? Any expensive brands, for that matter? - -What features are absolutely indispensible? I want one that'll play MP3s from CDRs, but I'm undecided about other features and frills. - -Can all players play "all-region" DVDs? - -And my dumbest question of all ... is "composite video" the sort of jack that your standard CATV cable, the single fat cable with a needle-like wire poking out the end, plugs into? If not, what is it? One of the TVs in my house has that CATV-type jack as its only input, so if there are any players that don't have this sort of output, I need to avoid them. Thanks for helping me in my ignorance! As a reward, anyone who helps me is welcome to come over and watch DVDs. (Other people are welcome too.) - --Chris, happy to see the return of Randi ______________________________________________________________________ Christopher Gross On the Internet, nobody knows I'm a dog. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 23:06:01 +0200 From: Sebastian Hagedorn Subject: Re: At first I didn't understand what you had against this woman - -- Jill Brand is rumored to have mumbled on Montag, 15. April 2002 20:16 Uhr -0400 regarding At first I didn't understand what you had against this woman: > I also think that Israel needs to > exist, but that the settlements must go. Maybe if the Germans had been > forced to give the Jews Bavaria after WWII, this wouldn't be a problem > (I'm married to a German Catholic, BTW, so I hope the Germans don't come > out of the woodwork and skewer me). As far as I'm concerned, they're welcome to it! ;-) - -- Sebastian Hagedorn Ehrenfeldg|rtel 156, 50823 Kvln, Germany "Winter is coming." (George R. R. Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire) ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 14:24:42 -0700 From: "Natalie Jane" Subject: talking out of my ass as usual >Wow, Gnat, you really think the "omega point" was that late in the >game? It might have been the crest of a wave, but it was hardly the >start of the OT revolution. I wasn't on the list at that time. This was just my casual observation. It seems to me that after the Diaries, it became OK to post just about anything to the list - not just casual off-topic chatter. But as I said, I wasn't really there. Not unlike Mark Ellen. Anyway, I just like blaming the Quail for everything. :) >Well, it was a massacre,reviewing the carnage I realized I'd always >been >curious how black, ugly ,thorney sea urchins became pale, >fragile, >engraved globes so I did some disecting. When I was a kid, I used to visit my grandparents in La Jolla. Frolicking in the tidepools was a favorite activity. Once I pried a limpet off its rock, took it back to my grandparents' place, and dissected it. Limpets have green blood, and they don't have any brains, either. >and by the way, Robyn never wrote any song concerning the way Clinton >conducted the Camp David summit But maybe he should! Thank you for your thoughtful reply, Noe - now I can say Ha! to my dad. :) >Natalie Jane, you said: "National propaganda radio..." and >furthermore on the Robyn list. Ahh, I was just shooting my mouth off. You shouldn't listen to me! >sure there are corporations that sponsor NPR, but not all >corporations are evil or do evil things with their evil money. Corporate sponsorship creates a certain bias. It doesn't mean that the resulting programming is bad, but you need to know where it's coming from. And it seems to me that a lot of people don't - they view NPR as this sort of radical alternative to the mainstream, when in fact it *is* the mainstream. >I will concede that the larger NPR has drowned out some >smaller stations on the band and that is a sad side effect to the >system. NPR has been on a crusade against low-power radio for quite some time now. They see it as a threat, just as commercial broadcasters do. I doubt that they are much concerned when NPR affiliate stations drown out local (competing) stations. And I don't see this as a "sad side effect." I see this as crushing diverse local voices in favor of homogeonized national programming. This isn't even taking into account NPR buy-outs of local stations. It breaks my heart when yet another local station switches over to NPR - which is what happened to the classical station at the University of Michigan. It's all NPR talk now, and now there are no more classical stations in Southeast Michigan. They've all either gone under or switched to NPR. It's really sad. That said, I like "Fresh Air." Umm... I think I'll go away now. gnat "long live Radio Free Ann Arbor!" the gnatster _________________________________________________________________ MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 14:26:45 -0700 From: drew Subject: orf-torpic > From: "Natalie Jane" > As for being off-topic, I cannot help but quote a dearly-departed sage > of > fegdom: "The death of any mailing list is pouting schoolmarms who > complain > about off-topic content." That's not true, though, because that happens all the time and the list is still very much alive. As I've said before, I think the off-topic stuff is fun and good and generally positive, but I think that extended political arguments are considerably more destructive and off-putting than they are edifying and worthwhile, and that they are best avoided. I rode out the annoying bicycling thread with no ill effects, but I nearly unsubscribed last time we had a big political flamewar. My personal views on the matter may be meaningless to most of you, but I don't think I'm the only feg who feels this way. To my mind, a good rule of thumb is that if it's something that _everyone_ is interested in, because perhaps it's in the news every single fucking day, maybe it's not a good idea to post at length about it here on the list. That may seem paradoxical but there it is. > From: "Kenneth Johnson" > > Don't get me wrong, I personally favor the obscure myself, I used to think I did, but as I talk more and more to people who really do favor the obscure, I find that the word "alternative" is a pretty good one to describe what I like. Most of my favorite music lives outside of the widest part of the mainstream, but it's pretty high-profile compared to even the most popular indie bands. Sometimes I think I'm a fence-sitter in every regard, but other times I figure it's the everybody-thinks-they're-moderate effect. Drew ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 17:51:06 -0400 From: Ken Weingold Subject: Re: DVD players On Tue, Apr 16, 2002, Christopher Gross wrote: > -I want to pay as little money as possible, but I'm afraid of buying a > lemon. Are there any cheapo brands that are notoriously unreliable and > should be avoided? Any expensive brands, for that matter? Personally I like Panasonics. Not sure about the newer models. One feature I would love, and I think you should make sure it has, is DVD Audio. > -What features are absolutely indispensible? I want one that'll play > MP3s from CDRs, but I'm undecided about other features and frills. Features depend on what you want. For me, I needed component video since my TV has that. And I needed coax digital audio out, since my optical in on my receiver was already taken. Some players have both, including my now old Panasonic DVD-A120. All depends on your needs. > -Can all players play "all-region" DVDs? I don't think so. Only ones I know of are some of the Apex ones can. But I would recommend against the Apex. Overall quality on them sucks. Sorry to anyone who has one. :) > -And my dumbest question of all ... is "composite video" the sort of jack > that your standard CATV cable, the single fat cable with a needle-like > wire poking out the end, plugs into? If not, what is it? One of the TVs > in my house has that CATV-type jack as its only input, so if there are any > players that don't have this sort of output, I need to avoid them. Composite is the regular yellow RCA connector, just like the red and white audio connectors. S-Video is the round connector that looks like a PS/2 connector. Component is three cables; yellow, blue, red. This is where the differences between DVD and LD players come into play. It's all potential. Potentially DVD has better video because it supports component. My LD player has S-Video. And potentially LD has better audio because it's not as compressed as DVD. Something like that. But what it all comes down to is that I have the Star Wars Special Editions on LD, Dolby Digital and all. Neener neener neener. :) - -Ken ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 17:31:25 -0500 From: "Brian Huddell" Subject: RE: DVD players Ken: > > -Can all players play "all-region" DVDs? > > I don't think so. Only ones I know of are some of the Apex ones can. > But I would recommend against the Apex. Overall quality on them > sucks. Sorry to anyone who has one. :) I hear that about the Apex all the time but mine has never given me problems -- possibly the picture quality is not what it could be -- I don't have any basis for comparison. Anyway, I think the question may have been concerning all-region, or "Region 0" DVDs, as opposed to DVDs from *any* region. The former, by definition, should play on any player regardless of region, unless something has changed (and doesn't something always change?). For the latter, there are sources. Here's one, chosen at random, no recommendation implied: +brian ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 10:53:59 +1200 From: (James Dignan) Subject: Omega point >Wow, Gnat, you really think the "omega point" was that late in the game? >It might have been the crest of a wave, but it was hardly the start of the >OT revolution. > >I think the reason the Flosshilde thing upset some people was its >tremendous length. The "culture of off-topic" definitely existed prior to >that, but I don't think too many people had posted anything -that long- to >the list before, RH-related or not. It's possible also that because of its >length it was perceived by some listmembers as -aggressively- off-topic, >and a good bit nervier than just chattering casually about favorite >musicians and authors. I agree... but it's all so far back now. The thing about this list is that once it reached the omega point it kept going. I know of other lists that have gone back to being totally on-topic. Part of the reason this list rocks (and equally part of its problem for newcomers) is that you could be on the list for weeks without knowing what its purported topic was. Hence the reason for the information-only list. I suspect that is rare in this sort of list, in much the same way as I was impressed when the TV series Dr. Who had a spin-off amed at children. So what was Dr. Who originally aimed at? Had a weird dream last night. I was at a party in a big hall, and a waiter handed round antique clothing and jewellery. I got a long flowing green net cloak attached by a gold clasp. When I put it on, people applauded and made me stand up and sing "Mac the Knife" in German. Only I don't know German so I had to make up German sounding words. Various fegs were there (which is strange because I don't know what a lot of them look like). Susan had a tiara (which didn't sit too well with her leatherette ensemble); Quailie was wearing an Edwardian waistcoat complete with fob watch. Kay was there and Mark and Gnat and several others I think... I think that's what comes of answering my email late at night. James (Camp David... that's David Sylvian's nickname, right?) James Dignan, Dunedin, New Zealand. =-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-= .-=-.-=-.-=-.- .-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-. -.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-= You talk to me as if from a distance =-.-=-. And I reply with impressions chosen from another time -=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=- (Brian Eno - "By this River") ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 19:04:15 -0400 From: Ken Ostrander Subject: spread dut dust in a reaching way i've been out of the loop for more than a week. my grandmother died last weekend and i spent most of last week juggling my own grief and relief (she was suffering at the end with diverticulitis) with the insane bickering between her kids about what to do with her house. it's really disgusting; but i guess you're only as old as you act. on the bus home i listened to 'trains' for the first time in a while. i truly love this album. it's definitely one of my favorites. it fit my mood very well on this particular journey. it's pure poetry. the sound is crystal clear and very intimate. every tune is achingly beautiful. a perfect mix of robyn's dark and light sides. from the cathedral of the mind to your ice cream hands to the dark and tropical night of my nubian slaves (or is it mynubian?), all of the songs that james mentioned are fab. i don't skip any of the tunes. i don't think i could take the re-released version that tacks on extra songs after the demise. heresy! ooh...television the drug of the nation...breeding ignorance and feeding radiation...i grew up loving the ultraviolet box. i would study the tv guide to make the most of it. i still have a problem. if i get caught in front of the thing, i can be trapped for hours. of course, i have magazines and other distractions like my journal or my guitar to help put up the pretense that i'm not wasting my time; but it doesn't help much. i tend to have outside activities to delay my arrival at home because i'm weak. i can always find something to watch whether it's syndicated episodes of simpsons, seinfeld, x files, or star trek; the pablum of e!, vh1, and comedy central; or any number of movie channels. i know that i could get by without it. i've got plenty of other stuff to do. the funny thing is that the tv we have is a piece of junk that my neighbors discarded. it cannot handle most of the flashing commercials and anything with a white background just doesn't work. it doesn't keep us from watching though. i do think that someone will be putting their foot through it one of these days and i definitely want to be there for that! does anyone else get hot under the collar about the cable companies? it seems like they have a virtual monopoly in their local areas. if you get a dish, you don't get the local channels. there's something scarey about getting your cable from at&t and paying big bucks for a service that they provide by running wires underneath our public roads. the middle... i'm disgusted on a daily basis regarding the violence between israel and palastine. i think it's the height of hypocracy for the u.s. government to even talk about a ceasefire. the whole situation reminds me mostly of our history with indigenous folk in this hemisphere. i see the solution that was proposed a few years back as analogous to any number of treaties that our government signed with various native american tribes, not worth the paper they were printed on and certainly less than the palastinian people deserve. do i have a solution? well, i have a lot of questions. it certainly seems like israel would like to take over all of the occupied territories. is it realistic to expect palastinians to become citizens of a new unified palastine? should they have to? what do the palastinians want? has anyone asked? to survive certainly; but to become part of jordan? >> > or if I started posting "what I had for >> > lunch today" messages to the list every >> > afternoon. carnita burrito from boca grande...ay caramba! all newcomers must understand that we will talk about any and every thing. if it hasn't been discussed on fegmaniax, then it hasn't really happened. we report. you decide. fox has nothing on us! ken "immune to everything except the butterfly" the kenster favorite x files: jose chung's from outer space np junkyard hearts (all four of 'em) joseph arthur ps. i have seen 'alien resurrection', 'murder in the first', 'cuckoo's nest', and 'blue velvet'. they're all decent (most are better than that) flicks; but i was wondering about the others on brad dourif's list. so, once again, any recommendations? ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 16:09:04 -0700 (PDT) From: cmb adams Subject: Re: Omega point On Wed, 17 Apr 2002, James Dignan wrote: > Susan had a tiara which, presumably, she hadn't left out on the lawn. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 22:47:18 -0400 From: "Fric Chaud" Subject: Re: Jonathan Turner On 16 Apr 2002, at 7:55, bayard wrote: > Is the person credited with the "robyn acoustic" photos in _robyn > sings_, OUR Jonathan Turner? Shouldn't it be "manual" or perhaps "chemical" photos? - -- Fric Chaud ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 23:27:03 -0400 From: Subject: What's all this got to do with Sharon's reproductive glands? On 16 Apr 2002, at 10:12, matt sewell wrote: > Surely this is terrorism of the state-sanctioned kind? That statement (question) is one I find disturbing. If what Israel is doing now is "terrorism" we need another word to specifically describe infiltrating a crowd of non-combatants under the pretense of being peaceful, then blowing said crowd to smithereens before they know what's happening. Also, can somebody point me to a site that offers a *brief* history of Israel? I don't even have a handle on how the current state came to be. Not that I think the whole list should be subjected to postings covering the subject. Just an URL or two please, if you'd indulge me. Hey Noe: thanks for the insight. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 21:31:48 -0400 From: mike hooker Subject: bottom line test mp3 hi, i made a test mp3 of cuts from my bottom line recordings. its 6 song snippits, 12 segments, 2 segments per song( duh). i used a snippet from the final version of my boot, along with one from one with less work on the guitar segments, for each song. when you listen, keep in mind on the " quieter version" the peaks are as high as can be allowed with out clipping, while on the full blown version, the peaks are even less than they could be, to make it a fairer test. i didnt even bother with anything from the orig master. the variation between voice, guitar, and applause is much greater than even the lesser of the two versions ive done. its so great that while it makes a awesome place to start from, its a lousy listening experience, constantly fiddling with the volume, or straining to hear with out missing anything. if anyone wants to give it a listen, i can e mail it , or someone can post it for all to hear. i need honest apprasials. both versions are nice, both enjoyable, but one must be the final one. its at 112 bps, to save space. its almost 4 mb total. please see my music trading page: New URL have fun, mike hooker ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 22:23:28 -0500 (CDT) From: Jeffrey with 2 Fs Jeffrey Subject: Re: For Your Endurement (photos): On Tue, 16 Apr 2002, invader woj wrote: > show to fegmania . I tried to go to this "URI" - but all that happened is all the spoons in my house bent sideways. I don't get it... - --Jeff Jeffrey Norman, Posemodernist University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Dept. of Mumblish & Competitive Obliterature np: a "Veronica" demo courtesy some other URI... ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 00:44:32 -0500 From: "Michael Wells" Subject: Chicago Setlist 4-16-02 @ Park West, Chicago IL 1. Insect Mother 2. I Got the Hots for You 3. A Man's Got to Know His Limitations, Briggs 4. Serpent at the Gates of Wisdom 5. Not Dark Yet (Dylan) 6. Instrumental (title?) 7. Linctus House 8. Unprotected Love 9. The Yip Song 10. Raymond Chandler Evening (elec.) 11. Your Feelings are the Last Things to Die (instr., elec.) 12. Queen of Eyes (elec.) 13. Mind is Connected (elec.) 14. I Feel Beautiful (elec.) Encore 1 15. Veins of the Queen 16. One Long Pair of Eyes 17. Sleeping with your Devil Mask Encore 2 18. She Doesn't Exist (elec.) 19. Visions of Johanna (Dylan) What a show! Review coming tomorrow. Michael "off to bed" Wells ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 07:55:32 +0000 From: "Brian Hoare" Subject: Re: Kay's Show and Tell >Brian darlin, I know. That was sorta the point. Sea urchins are just blobs >under ugly. < snip cute childhood story > > >Sea Urchins have no brains. I was using it as a metaphor to try and conjure >up the proper deluded, juvenile mad-scientist atmosphere. Sorry, I assumed that the protaganist was having some kind of success. Either way the metaphor works and it is something to bear in mind next time I see him play. I am impressed that you learnt this through true empirical science - and on a sunny island as well, whereas I just read it in a book sat in my bedroom. If you ever do find out how we can ensure that our blobby corpses become these more beautiful fragile ghosts of our former selves then please let us know at once. brian _________________________________________________________________ Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 11:00:19 +0100 From: "matt sewell" Subject: The urchin me to play in the tidepools Idle beachcombing is one of my favourite things - my girlfriend's Dad, rest his soul, used to call this fossicking... sure enough it's exactly the right term. So there you are - fossickers are we... During a childhood fossick on Compton beach on the IOW, I found an enormous blue jellyfish washed up in the shallows - the size of a dustbin lid... could this have been the original Tropical Flesh Mandala? Cheers Matt >From: "Natalie Jane" >> >When I was a kid, I used to visit my grandparents in La Jolla. >Frolicking >in the tidepools was a favorite activity. Once I pried a limpet off >its >rock, took it back to my grandparents' place, and dissected it. >Limpets >have green blood, and they don't have any brains, either. > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: Click Here ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 12:58:09 +0100 From: "matt sewell" Subject: Re: What's all this got to do with Sharon's reproductive glands? Hmm... why is it disturbing? I guess what I meant was any action (state-sanctioned or otherwise) that kills, wounds, makes homeless, non-combatant civilians is terrorism, surely? As the journalists are finding in Jenin, the Israeli action has certainly done this to many civilians (I'm afraid that, while I accept that Jenin had many combatant terrorists, there were also many civilians, some of whom were used as human shields by both sides). I don't blame the soldiers entirely - I think in a situation like that, conscripts (and even proper soldiers) are under unbelievable pressure, which tends to lead to atrocities being perpetrated. Blowing non-combatants to smithereens is common to both sides. Regardless of whether they're Palestinian non-combatants, Israeli non-combatants (or Afghanistani non-combatants for that matter) I define it all as terrorism. Cheers Matt >From: > > > Surely this is terrorism of the state-sanctioned kind? > >That statement (question) is one I find disturbing. If what >Israel is doing now is "terrorism" we need another word to >specifically describe infiltrating a crowd of >non-combatants under the pretense of being peaceful, then >blowing said crowd to smithereens before they know what's >happening. > >Also, can somebody point me to a site that offers a *brief* >history of Israel? I don't even have a handle on how the current >state came to be. Not that I think the whole list should be >subjected to postings covering the subject. Just an URL or two >please, if you'd indulge me. > >Hey Noe: thanks for the insight. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: Click Here ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 09:26:06 -0400 From: invader woj Subject: Fwd: [robynhitchcock] Robyn Hitchcock @ Park West, Chicago, 4-16-02 ( Long) >From: "David Sadowski" >To: , , > , , > , , > >Cc: >Delivered-To: mailing list >Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 05:40:05 -0500 >Subject: [robynhitchcock] Robyn Hitchcock @ Park West, Chicago, 4-16-02 ( >Long) >Reply-To: > >We all need heroes, I guess, and I confess Robyn Hitchcock is one of >mine. Last night in Chicago, he delivered the goods with an exceptional >95-minute solo set here at Park West, accompanying himself on acoustic and >electric guitar... with the occasional harmonica, and hilarious >between-song patter... > >Robyn's an acquired taste, one I picked up about ten years ago. He's the >kind of artist that people can take for granted at the moment, but as his >career gets longer and longer he's looking better and better. Look back >over his large discography over the last 25 years and all the great songs >he's written... personally I can't think of anyone to match the quality of >his output over that period, not even Elvis Costello. > >Take the Soft Boys... when they were a band back in the late 70s, the >biggest audience they ever played for was about 300 people. They barely >managed to put out a couple of albums and their classic Underwater >Moonlight was waxed for pennies... they were out of step with the times >but made music that sounds timeless now. > >Plus he's channelled the spirit of Syd Barrett, although he's much more >than that... a true original, an excellent and underrated guitar player >who combines the folk purity of a Nick Drake with Roger McGuinn pop >jangle. His songs don't get covered a lot, but I've heard renditions by >Coffee Creek (an alt-country I Wanna Destroy You, with Farrar vocal) to >the Grateful Dead (Chinese Bones). > >Anyway, Robyn promises there will be a new SB disc and tour this fall, >with the same lineup that toured America last year... there's a new >concert film Elixirs and Remedies set to premiere (a set from 2000 with >Grant Lee Phillips). Meantime, last night we got a mixture of a few new >tunes, a couple of Dylan covers, and some old lyrical faves revived. > >At the entrance you could purchase RH's new, self-released 2-CD Dylan >tribute. I understand this is a combination of live and studio material, >some of which has circulated as a boot. (In 1996, Robyn put a band >together and replayed the setlist of the so-called "Royal Albert Hall" '66 >concert... part of that is included.) > >Robyn's set ended with a stunningly perfect rendition of Dylan's "Visions >of Johanna," which he says inspired him to be a singer/songwriter. > >The tape sounds really good, in spite of the Park West's acoustics (fine >for yer ears, not so good for microphones)... sure was cold though. In >the 80s outside, must've been in the 60s indoors. Lots of people were >shivering... > >The Robyn Sings Dylan disc can be purchased through > and while you're at it check out A Star for >Bram... a disc of Jewels for Sophia outtakes that's VERY good indeed and >not sold in stores. > >Mike Viola opened and was pretty good, sounding at times uncannily like >Paul Simon (when he played a note-perfect "American Tune," I had to pinch >myself), sometimes not, in general playing a bit too much guitar and >singing a bit too many words for my taste, as if trying to make up for his >missing band The Candybutchers. > >If you live in Seattle, SF or LA, try to make one of the shows on this >very short tour! At the end of the show practically all were on their >feet cheering for more. > >Setlist >Insect Mother (acoustic) >I Got the Hots >A Man's Got to Know His Limitations, Briggs (serious/funny new song, based >on a line Clint Eastwood says in "Magnum Force") >Serpent at the Gates of Wisdom (add harmonica) >Not Dark Yet (Dylan cover) >Instrumental >Linctus House >Unprotected Love (new song, not a very PCfor a while this was going to be >the title of the next SB record) >The Yip Song ("probably the most upbeat song I've ever written, it's about >my father's death from cancer... fortunately neither of my children write >songs") >Raymond Chandler Evening (electric) (new verse added, I think) >Your Feelings Are the Last Things to Die (new instrumental) >Queen of Eyes >Love is the Drug (or at least that's what Robyn said this brief snippet of >a riff was) >My Mind is Connected to Your Dreams (will appear on the new SB disc) >I Feel Beautiful ("because I love you"... dedicated to Sharon and Arafat) >("Thank you... and Hare Krishna!") >1st encore: >Veins of the Queen (acoustic) (played since the Queen Mother recently died) >One Long Pair of Eyes >Sleeping With Your Devil Mask ("I think this is what my father was trying >to tell my mother, it's often easier to work these things out afterwards") >("Thank you... Hare Hare!") >2nd encore: >She Doesn't Exist Anymore (electric) >Visions of Johanna (acoustic, add harmonica) (Dylan cover, "the one that >started it all for me") >("Thank you... Good night!") > > > > > > > >[Non-text portions of this message have been removed] > > >------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ---------------------~--> >Buy Stock for $4 >and no minimums. >FREE Money 2002. > >---------------------------------------------------------------------~-> > >"I water the tomatoes and I think of you. >No one's ever watered me the way you do" > Robyn Hitchcock,"I Feel Beautiful" > > >Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to ------------------------------ End of fegmaniax-digest V11 #123 ********************************