From: ( digest) To: Subject: digest V11 #905 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk digest Friday, September 14 2007 Volume 11 : Number 905 Today's Subjects: ----------------- =?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCIXobKEIgGyRCIzNLfDFfJHIjMyV2N24kRyMxIzAjMEd cJEskOSRrRDY+LzNbRWo7cUshISohITtEJGokbyQ6JCshKhsoQg==?= [=?ISO-2022-JP?B?Q] =?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCIXohViM1Mi8hV0w1NHw4QiU1JV0hPCVIGyhC?= [=?ISO-2022-JP] [none] [] Uk prime [ (UK PRIME)] your fund [Patrick Williams ] your fund [Patrick Williams ] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 15:44:30 +0900 (JST) From: =?ISO-2022-JP?B?QmlnYm9zcyAbJEJETD8uGyhC?= Subject: =?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCIXobKEIgGyRCIzNLfDFfJHIjMyV2N24kRyMxIzAjMEd cJEskOSRrRDY+LzNbRWo7cUshISohITtEJGokbyQ6JCshKhsoQg==?= ammf-digest@smoe.orgさん、こんにちは! 「Bigboss通信」です。 ♪ まずは、日課のワンクリック募金!!♪ ⇒ ※ 国際協力に関心があるあなた! ※ タイが好きなあなた!  こちらのページをご覧下さい ⇒ ====================【★月収100万円!】========================== ★月収100万円、もうたまりません。あまりにも凄すぎます。 【激安!】メールしかできない携帯ど素人があっという間に携帯ビジネスで月収100万円稼げる方法! なんと再販売権利&特別特典付き   ⇒ ■私は、携帯ど素人でメールしか使えませんでした。 ■それでも、お金と時間をかけずに月収100万円稼ぐ仕組みを作りました。 ■携帯ビジネスで稼ぎたい初心者の方や、 携帯で稼ぐ商材を購入されて稼げなかった方などは、 是非このノウハウを実践して下さい。 ★月収100万円 ★もうたまりません ★あまりにも凄すぎます   ⇒ =================================================================== ◆∞◆∞◆ 独占広告 ∞◆∞◆∞◆∞◆∞◆∞◆∞◆∞◆∞◆∞◆∞◆∞◆∞◆∞◆∞ ★ 3万円を3ヶ月で100倍にする超少額投資法! 残りわずか! 『元証券会社社員が明かす!3万円を3ヶ月間で 100倍にする就寝直前30分超少額投資法!』 ⇒ これはローリスク・ハイリターンを実現した方法です。 要は、   「小額の資金」「最少限のリスク」 「初心者にも安心して投資ができる」 「限りなく高い利益を算出する方法」という事です。    この方法は、金融派生商品のワラントが 投資対象となります。 「ワラントって?」と思われた方へ ☆ワラントの3大メリットをお伝えします。☆ 1.初心者(素人)にも楽々投資が行えます。 2.今までにない少額資金から投資が行えます。 3.ビックな収益!ハイリターンが狙えます!!   投資と聞くと、「リスクがある」・「資金がかかる」 「難しそう」とか、様々なことを耳にしますが そんなことはありません。 まずは、この方法がいかに簡単に稼げる方法なのか、 その証拠をご覧下さい! ⇒ ◆∞◆∞◆∞◆∞◆∞◆∞◆∞◆∞◆∞◆∞◆∞◆∞◆∞◆∞ 独占広告 ◆∞◆∞◆∞ ★『Bigboss通信』では、広告を依頼された広告主様のために、   より多くの成約をいただけるよう、特典をご用意しております。   他誌ではありえないサービスです。   どうぞご確認ください ⇒ ^^ 【購入いただいた方へのプレゼント】 ご購入価格にかかわらず、以下2本、差しあげます!! =============================================== 【その1】 ♪ おまけレポート60本!   ========================================================== 【その2】 ★☆★ 10大特典(再配布権・再販権付) ★☆★ ========================================================== レポートの購入価格・ビジネスへの登録費用に応じて Bigbossの39大特典からプレゼントします。 特典の請求はコチラから ⇒ ==================【しかも格安!】=============================== 数あるSEO商材の中で 間違いなく一番分かりやすく、即効性があります♪      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ しかも格安です。。 ありえないです^^; アクセスアップの金字塔〜何も考えることなく、 1日1時間足らずの作業で 爆発的にアクセスを増やすSEOナビゲーション〜 ================================================================== ================================ ★ Bigbossのお薦めレポートは、 こちら! ⇒ ★ 無料レポートのご紹介は、こちら! 毎日更新! ⇒ ================================ ●【今の】売れ筋レポート・ランキング・チェック インフォトップ インフォカート ================================ ●あなたもメルマガオーナーになりませんか?  「広告費」‥‥たいへんですよね?  だったら自分で独占広告すればいいでしょ?  ひと味違う配信スタンド、お薦めです。  まずは、月額5,000円から。すぐに始められます。  Bigbossは、10,000円コースです^^; ●無料投稿から大配信部数 独占広告まで、広告ならこちら。 今日も最後までお読みいただき、 ありがとうございます m(_ _)m 。                           感謝!  Bigboss 購読を解除したい場合は、お手数ではございますが、 こちらのページから解除願います。 ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 17:31:49 +0900 (JST) From: =?ISO-2022-JP?B?QmlnYm9zcyAbJEJETD8uGyhC?= Subject: =?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCIXohViM1Mi8hV0w1NHw4QiU1JV0hPCVIGyhC?= ammf-digest@smoe.orgさん、こんにちは! 「Bigboss通信」です。 ♪ まずは、日課のワンクリック募金!!♪ ⇒ ※ 国際協力に関心があるあなた! ※ タイが好きなあなた!  こちらのページをご覧下さい ⇒ ========【とにかくページを見て下さい! 画期的です!】==============        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1日100円で携帯アフィリサイトのオーナーになりませんか? 携帯アフィリが稼げることは知っている。 でも、いちから勉強して、携帯サイトを作って、 毎日更新なんて、できないよ。 集客のしかたも分からないし‥‥ そんなあなたに朗報です! 【全自動】携帯アフィリエイトサイトレンタルプログラム 「モバ助」の月額課金バージョンの販売を開始しました。 月額課金バージョン版 ※こちらがお薦め! 年間契約版 =================================================================== ◆∞◆∞◆ 独占広告 ∞◆∞◆∞◆∞◆∞◆∞◆∞◆∞◆∞◆∞◆∞◆∞◆∞◆∞◆∞ ★「5億」無期限サポート タイトルは 「誰でも寝てる間に稼げる!自動判定機能付驚異のホッタラカシ投資!  20万円でスタートし、3年半で5億円稼ぐオーバナイト・システム・トレード♪無期限サポート付」 6月に発売したデイトレ・システム商材の姉妹編です。 これで投資資金を増やさなくても、約2倍稼げるようになります! 現在価格は2.2万円です。 1週間毎に値上げを実施致しますので、何卒宜しくお願い申し上げます。 なお、6月に発売したデイトレ・システムの成果は誠に大きく、 多くの購入者から「最高のデイトレ・システム」という評価を頂きました。 このオーバナイト・システムも無期限サポート付です。 誰でもシステムに従って少額資金から億万長者への最短の道を突き進むことが 可能になる夢の投資システムです。 スキルも努力も全く不要です。 ただシステムに従ってトレードを淡々と行うだけでよいのです。 これ程簡単なお金儲けシステムは他には無いと自負しております。 是非、宜しくお願い申し上げます。 松原秀樹 ◆∞◆∞◆∞◆∞◆∞◆∞◆∞◆∞◆∞◆∞◆∞◆∞◆∞◆∞ 独占広告 ◆∞◆∞◆∞ ★『Bigboss通信』では、広告を依頼された広告主様のために、   より多くの成約をいただけるよう、特典をご用意しております。   他誌ではありえないサービスです。   どうぞご確認ください ⇒ ^^ 【購入いただいた方へのプレゼント】 ご購入価格にかかわらず、以下2本、差しあげます!! =============================================== 【その1】 ♪ おまけレポート60本!   ========================================================== 【その2】 ★☆★ 10大特典(再配布権・再販権付) ★☆★ ========================================================== レポートの購入価格・ビジネスへの登録費用に応じて Bigbossの39大特典からプレゼントします。 特典の請求はコチラから ⇒ ===============【毎日毎日5万円!】=============================== Googleとmixiで収入を得る方法! Googleの特殊な検索方法を公開しています。 タネも仕掛けもありません。 もちろん、無料でメルマガ登録もございません。 この方法で検索すると50万円? じゃなく、50万件のノウハウが出現します。 とにかく、試してみて下さい。 損はさせませんから。。。 - -->> ================================================================== - ----------------------------------------------------------- ■ 『THE GET MONEY RALLY』!!   ぜひこの機会に夢の1000万円目指してご参加ください!! ================================================================== ================================ ★ Bigbossのお薦めレポートは、 こちら! ⇒ ★ 無料レポートのご紹介は、こちら! 毎日更新! ⇒ ================================ ●【今の】売れ筋レポート・ランキング・チェック インフォトップ インフォカート ================================ ●あなたもメルマガオーナーになりませんか?  「広告費」‥‥たいへんですよね?  だったら自分で独占広告すればいいでしょ?  ひと味違う配信スタンド、お薦めです。  まずは、月額5,000円から。すぐに始められます。  Bigbossは、10,000円コースです^^; ●無料投稿から大配信部数 独占広告まで、広告ならこちら。 今日も最後までお読みいただき、 ありがとうございます m(_ _)m 。                           感謝!  Bigboss 購読を解除したい場合は、お手数ではございますが、 こちらのページから解除願います。 ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 06:17:49 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: [none] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 12:36:15 +0000 From: (UK PRIME) Subject: Uk prime Uk prime lottery. Ipod Worldwide Business Information Technology 9 Leapal Road, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 4JX, London, UK Dear Sir/Madam, This is to inform you that have been selected for a cash prize of #850,000(Eighthundred and fifty thousand pounds sterling) This is in line with our promotional lottery for our products.We specialize in the sales of cd-roms that enhance your business growth. The selection process was carried out through random selection in our computerized email selection system(ess) from a database of over 250,000 email addresses drawn from all the continents of the world. This Lottery is approved by the British Gaming Board and also Licensed by the The International Association of Gaming Regulators (IAGR). This promotional lottery is the first of its kind and we intend to sensitize the public. To begin the processing of your prize you are to contact your claims officer through our accredite d Prize Transfer agents as stated below: MR MAX RAPH, 9 Leapal Road, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 4JX United Kingdom Email: Tel: +44-7031949372 or +44-7045732204 contact him, please provide him with your secret Batch Number: VC/32/ID1141 and your Ref Number: UK/910/1645.You are also advised to provide him with the under listed information as soon as possible: Claim requirements: 1.Name in full 2.Address 3.Nationality 4.Age 5.Occupation 6.Phone/Fax 7.Present Country If you do not contact your claims agent within 7 working days of this notification,your winnings would be revoked. Winners are advised to keep their winning details/information from the public to avoid fraudulent claim (IMPORTANT)pending the transfer/claim by Winner. Accept my hearty congratulations once again! Regards, Mrs Juliet Marrow Lottery Manager Delete Reply Forward ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 18:49:47 +0200 From: Patrick Williams Subject: your fund CENTRAL BANK OF NIGERIA TINUBU SQUARE VICTORIA ISLAND LAGOS-NIGERIA (OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY GOVERNOR) From: PATRICK WILLIAMS-Deputy Governor/ Director Foreign Operation ATM Card Dept Central Bank of Nigeria Cell: +234 80 55410441 Attn: Sir Re: Corporate Visa Card. After a long hours our meeting yesterday with the President commander in chief of the armed forces Federal Republic of Nigeria Alhaji Musa Yar"adua and the Governor Central Bank and the IMF/World Bank representatives in Nigeria with the Senate and all the Government top officials and it was agreed that alot of discussions has been centered on the image of this great country because of the delay in contract payments and alot of fake officials has been collecting /extorting large amount of money from the innocent contractors and the President declared that it is the Government obligations to make the payment without any contractor paying alot of fees for the contract payment that was executed here and it was then agreed that all the involved contractors whose payment has been through atm loaded card should only make a payment of only $300 to EZE JOHNSON ,the central bank approved western union receiving officer so that the delivery of the card will be initiated immediately and the payment will be used for the signing and securement of the Nigerian Financial Investigation Unit certificate(NFIU CERTIFICATE)this is done not to go against the money laundering act of 2004 in Nigeria and not to go against any law on money transfer from the outside community and it was agreed that this delivery must be completed on or before the expiration of 72 hours(3 Working days). Because the law on money act of 2004 stipulates that any money transfer exceeding $1musd must be investigated by Nigerian Financial Investigation Unit before the transfer is approved and this directives has long been ignored but now the president has totally revived the system for the sake of sensitizations to avoid any further extortions that brings bad name to this country. Kindly be advised to make the payment of only $300usd to the above named officer to meet the given instructions of the President of Nigeria concerning the delivery so that the loaded card which has been called back will be immediately re-activated and delivered because all other courier charges and Vats charges will be paid by the Federal Government through the Federal Ministry of Finance and you are advised to make the payment and forward the whole payment instructions to the NIGERIAN FINANCIAL INVESTIGATION UNIT for verification and issuing of the certificate that will guarantee the delivery of your contract payment loaded in the atm card within 24 hours Kindly forward the payment details to the below named officer while a copy should also be sent to me but all payment must be accompanied with full delivery address for immediate dispatch. PAYMENT INFORMATIONS: EZE JOHNSON,LAGOS,NIGERIA TEST QUESTIONS:RELEASE TEST ANSWWER:DIRECTIVES AMOUNT:$300USD MTCN:?????????? SENDERS NAME:?????????? SEND THE PAYMENT DETAILS TO THIS EMAIL FOR IMMEDIATE ISSUANCE OF THE CERTIFICATE AND IMMEDIATE DISPATCH OF YOUR LOADED CARD WITHOUT ANY DELAY. CONTACT NAME:PATRICK WILLIAMS E-MAIL TELEPHONE:234- 1 -794 -0046 Please be informed that you are only suppose to pay any other fee apart from $300 until your card is received by you and the delivery will be made directly to your doorstep through a courier registered mail not through any diplomat and do not agree to pay any other fee apart from this that is sincerely and honestly approved from the presidency please be informed just follow this instructions so that we can fight the corruptions in this society now and forever for the sake of the safety of your long awaited fund. Call me on my cell phone if you need any urgent clarification. We await your urgent response. The Arms of the Government of Nigeria Yours Faithfully, PATRICK WILLIAMS Deputy Governor Central Bank of Nigeria ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 18:42:13 +0200 From: Patrick Williams Subject: your fund CENTRAL BANK OF NIGERIA TINUBU SQUARE VICTORIA ISLAND LAGOS-NIGERIA (OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY GOVERNOR) From: PATRICK WILLIAMS-Deputy Governor/ Director Foreign Operation ATM Card Dept Central Bank of Nigeria Cell: +234 80 55410441 Attn: Sir Re: Corporate Visa Card. After a long hours our meeting yesterday with the President commander in chief of the armed forces Federal Republic of Nigeria Alhaji Musa Yar"adua and the Governor Central Bank and the IMF/World Bank representatives in Nigeria with the Senate and all the Government top officials and it was agreed that alot of discussions has been centered on the image of this great country because of the delay in contract payments and alot of fake officials has been collecting /extorting large amount of money from the innocent contractors and the President declared that it is the Government obligations to make the payment without any contractor paying alot of fees for the contract payment that was executed here and it was then agreed that all the involved contractors whose payment has been through atm loaded card should only make a payment of only $300 to EZE JOHNSON ,the central bank approved western union receiving officer so that the delivery of the card will be initiated immediately and the payment will be used for the signing and securement of the Nigerian Financial Investigation Unit certificate(NFIU CERTIFICATE)this is done not to go against the money laundering act of 2004 in Nigeria and not to go against any law on money transfer from the outside community and it was agreed that this delivery must be completed on or before the expiration of 72 hours(3 Working days). Because the law on money act of 2004 stipulates that any money transfer exceeding $1musd must be investigated by Nigerian Financial Investigation Unit before the transfer is approved and this directives has long been ignored but now the president has totally revived the system for the sake of sensitizations to avoid any further extortions that brings bad name to this country. Kindly be advised to make the payment of only $300usd to the above named officer to meet the given instructions of the President of Nigeria concerning the delivery so that the loaded card which has been called back will be immediately re-activated and delivered because all other courier charges and Vats charges will be paid by the Federal Government through the Federal Ministry of Finance and you are advised to make the payment and forward the whole payment instructions to the NIGERIAN FINANCIAL INVESTIGATION UNIT for verification and issuing of the certificate that will guarantee the delivery of your contract payment loaded in the atm card within 24 hours Kindly forward the payment details to the below named officer while a copy should also be sent to me but all payment must be accompanied with full delivery address for immediate dispatch. PAYMENT INFORMATIONS: EZE JOHNSON,LAGOS,NIGERIA TEST QUESTIONS:RELEASE TEST ANSWWER:DIRECTIVES AMOUNT:$300USD MTCN:?????????? SENDERS NAME:?????????? SEND THE PAYMENT DETAILS TO THIS EMAIL FOR IMMEDIATE ISSUANCE OF THE CERTIFICATE AND IMMEDIATE DISPATCH OF YOUR LOADED CARD WITHOUT ANY DELAY. CONTACT NAME:PATRICK WILLIAMS E-MAIL TELEPHONE:234- 1 -794 -0046 Please be informed that you are only suppose to pay any other fee apart from $300 until your card is received by you and the delivery will be made directly to your doorstep through a courier registered mail not through any diplomat and do not agree to pay any other fee apart from this that is sincerely and honestly approved from the presidency please be informed just follow this instructions so that we can fight the corruptions in this society now and forever for the sake of the safety of your long awaited fund. Call me on my cell phone if you need any urgent clarification. We await your urgent response. The Arms of the Government of Nigeria Yours Faithfully, PATRICK WILLIAMS Deputy Governor Central Bank of Nigeria ------------------------------ End of digest V11 #905 *********************************************