Ec to phile, noun: (ek'-to-fyl: fr. ecto-, Rhodesian: rhodesian; and -phil, Greek: loving, dear) Amer., 20th cent.: 1. One who is a member of Ecto, the Happy Rhodes mailing list; 2. One who spends too much money on Ectopian music. (SEE "EWS".)
ec to pi an, adj: (ek,-to'-pi-en: fr. ecto-, Rhodesian: rhodesian;
and -topos, Greek: a place) 1.Of or relating to the music of Happy Rhodes
2.Of or relating to the music discussed on Ecto, the Happy Rhodes mailing
list 3.Music that has the combined qualities of artistic individuality
and euphonic beauty 4.Of or relating to the spirit of Ecto, the Happy Rhodes
mailing list.