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Welcome to the Mannlist.... the Aimee Mann discussion list!!! To post a note on the Mannlist, send your e-mail to: If you ever decide to leave the Mannlist send an e-mail to which says (in the body of the message): unsubscribe Mannlist If you are subscribed to the "regular" version and would like to receive the "daily digest" send an e-mail to which says (in the body of the message): set mannlist digest The command to switch from the digest to regular is: set mannlist each If you have a question about the mailing list, send an e-mail to: Mannlist Rules (Failure to follow the rules below may result in removal from the list without prior notice) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The Mannlist is an open forum for your thoughts and opinions and to find out about Aimee Mann and her music. It is ok to discuss other *related* topics of interest to list members (e.g., the latest U2 CD) but you should always begin an "off topic" message subject line with OT. If you want to talk about things that are completely unrelated (especially politics), please e-mail each other privately or seek membership on appropriate mailing lists. It is NOT permissable to sell Aimee Mann bootlegs (live recordings and other materials that are not available commercially from SuperEgo, V2, Geffen, Epic, etc.). The sale of these materials is illegal and those who do are ripping off Aimee and her band. Do NOT post attachments to the Mannlist. Many list members have slow connections, and forcing them to download multi-megabyte files is inconsiderate. Please post attachments on yours or a friend's Web site, or post a link to an appropriate ftp site. Above all remember that the Mannlist is a community. Please be considerate of others. NEVER attack anyone directly. For example, its ok to voice an opinion like "that song is idiotic". It is NOT ok to say to a fellow Mannlister "you are an idiot if you like that song".
Category: Music, Discussion | |
Name | mannlist |
Description | Aimee Mann discussion list |
Digests |
daily: The daily digest |
Subscribers | 342 |
Posts in the last 30 days | 3 |
List address | |
List owner address | |
Documentation |
Frequently Asked Questions
Introduction to the List Welcome Message |
Subscribe | To subscribe, type your e-mail address into the Address box unless it is already present. Optionally, type your full name into the Name box. Then, press the subscribe button once. A confirmation message may be sent to your e-mail address. |
For assistance, please contact the administrators.
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