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Thank you for offering to help with the Liturgy at St. Mary! 
We have a few notes that might help:

If you are helping with Communion, please be sure to come forward
at the end of the communion hymn when the priest and deacon are
communing, just before the deacon says, "With the fear of God, in
faith and love, draw near." When holding the Communion cloths, 
here are a few things to keep in mind:

1) hold the the cloth in a diamond shape, with one corner of the
diamond attached to the chalice, each assistant holding a corner,
and the other corner held under the chin of the person communing.
Try to draw the person near to the chalice so the spoon doesn't
have far to travel. After each person receives communion, retract
the cloth back to the chalice, wait for the next person to
approach, and when they are close to the chalice, extend the
cloth out to the communicant. 

2) When children drool, wipe their mouths. Be careful about 
particles or wine spilling. There can be many distractions 
with children who are half asleep or don't want to receive, 
with people who draw back or clamp their mouths down on the 
spoon. But your main job is to be still, to be attentive, and
to be prayerful.

3) if wine or particles do spill on the floor, mark the spot with
the cloth. We will fetch another cloth and then clean that spot
with water later. If particles are on the cloth you are holding, please
let the priest or deacon know immediately.

If you are reading the Epistle, please be sure to come forward
during the Trisagion hymn, after the deacon says "With Strength!"
and the choir sings the last "Holy God, Holy Mighty..."

Please feel free to contact Jeff at or 781-820-0882
if you have any questions.

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