Near the end of last century, I often included a track or two by The Mosquitos when sending SOTT cassette tapes to Audities e-mail list friends, hoping to turn some of you on to my favorite "local band." Some 25 years later, I'm (finally!) very happy to share that their music can now be heard properly on a fab two-CD compilation that we put together, and which is being released by Ray Gianchetti on Kool Kat Musik. This anthology collects nearly four dozen recordings by The Mosquitos from their 1980's studio sessions and live performances. They were an incredible band that produced some wonderful music, only a small sample of which has been heard. Some of you may know them as having the lead track ("Darn Well") on ROIR's great "Garage Sale" compilation cassette. Others may recall The Mosquitos as having written & recorded the original version of The Monkees' comeback single, "That Was Then, This Is Now," which was the title track of their only record, a 1985 EP. There's so much more where that came from... Check out the link below for order info, and I hope you will all enjoy The Mosquitos! And also come join our Facebook group, The Mosquitos Appreciation Society. Be seeing you, Bill