I have a great (and totally true) Romantics story, which of course includes Mike Skill. In the late 70s I was the bass player and songwriter for Continental Crawler, a band in the Misfits orbit that included their then-current drummer Mr Jim Catania. Our record had just come out and we were the headliners at a great venue in North Jersey called the Showplace. The open act was a very new band called the Romantics. They played great and one of the guitarists (Wally Palmer) sang most of the songs but the drummer (Mike Skill) did a couple. We hung out with them for a while and when they found out that Jim was also in the Misfits they went a bit nuts and explained they had traveled from Michigan to Toronto to see their show. A bit later I was driving somewhere and a song came on the AM radio and I thought hmm where the heck did I hear that before? In those days you'd hear 4 or 5 in a row. When the announcer said "that was What I Like About You by the Romantics" I got very happy to have witnessed them in the very beginning of their career. On Tue, Oct 12, 2021 at 1:01 AM, Mark London wrote: FWIW.  Very nice cover. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4YT20G69BI If you don't know who Mike Skill is, it's understandable.   I didn't either. - Mark