One I've been quite enjoying since May is Ross's new one Interstellar. Tho don't take my word for it; have a listen or 10 yourself: As for FB, I've said "ugh, bleh!" too many times already, but still poke around there, tho the jabs are getting shorter. Matt Whitby (are you still here Matt?), who created & moderated the FB Audities group apparently up & quit FB very recently. I saw an invite to become "the" Admin & ad-hoc'ly accepted. Tho as Craig & Rick already stated, its primarily posts with short messages & links to stuff (releases, articles, radio shows, etc).  Rarely anything engaging like we had here. I game to re-join in on Insanely Great Pop discussions... Cheers & Pop Rules as some guy used to say here,  - Michael On 6/23/2020 4:15 PM, Rick McCall wrote: > Totally agree with Craig re Facebook group. What we had via email for years was so fun and informative. And we got to know a little about the people on the list in it’s heyday. > > So...what’s the best record for our kind of music that you’ve experienced in the past 12 months? > > I’ve got two nominees but I’ll start with one: > > Donnie Vie - Beautiful Things > > Friends, this is one of my favorite records of the past several years. A little different the ENuff Z Nuff but just about every song has a beatleish hook that won’t let you go. But plenty crunchy enough guitars to put the power in power pop. I love it. > > Any other entries? > > Best, > Rick > > > ======================================================================= > Detailed Audities-List information: > To manage your Audities List settings or unsubscribe: >