I had never seen this before. It is a great Christmas video . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPPCPqDINEk [https://www.bing.com/th?id=OVP.kzKm3xrZlu67C8hMQG8yBwHgFo&pid=Api] The Kinks - Father Christmas Come Dancing With The Kinks Buy/Listen - https://LegacyRecordings.lnk.to/tk_cd!fc About the album: The hits that The Kinks scored in the '60s are the stuff of legend, but in America, the band's '70s-'80s stint on Arista Records was actually a bigger commercial success. This collection, named for the nostalgic 1983 hit "Come Dancing," captures ... www.youtube.com [https://ipmcdn.avast.com/images/icons/icon-envelope-tick-green-avg-v1.png] Virus-free. www.avg.com