Most of you who receive our weekly This Is Rock 'n' Roll Radio playlists know that I also write a daily blog called Boppin' (Like The Hip Folks Do), available at A popular feature on the blog has been The Greatest Record Ever Made, a series of essays about individual candidates for that honor, always understanding that an infinite number of terrific records can each be THE greatest record ever made, as long as they take turns. For my 1000th blog post a few days ago, I decided to write about Material Issue's "Kim The Waitress," because it gave me an opportunity to talk about depression and suicide. Some of you are aware of the fact that one of my best friends killed himself in 1979, when I was a 19-year-old Beatles, Ramones, and Flashcubes fan. This doesn't give me anything close to a unique perspective on the matter, but I can speak with some small measure of authority about the devastated feeling experienced when someone close to you makes the irrevocable decision that it just ain't worth it, so long, sayonara, auf wiedersehen. I wanted to write about that, and I want to share it with anyone who may ever be on either side of that situation. Words can't wish depression away. Maybe actions can help.