To build upon what Mike and Stan just offered, I, too, miss the frequent "don't miss this one" emails that peppered my inbox years ago. Remember David Bash's monstrous lists on the quarter or half year? Small distributors posting new arrival lists? It could be overwhelming and bad for the wallet, but *someone* would find pretty much everything that was out there and shine a light on it. So for those of us quietly lamenting that loss, why not do something about it? Any old favorites from the past decades you rediscovered? Anything recent released from a long-thought-dormant band? Great live show? Favorite discovery from the last IPO collection? What is buzzing around your tentative "Best of 2018" list so far this year? We're almost at mid-year (MAN, is 2018 racing by) so let's drop a few lists in during June as we approach the halfway point. Maybe some action will have a ripple effect. And to all my fellow Auditeers, some whom I first met 20+ years ago, some who I never met but are long time email pals...big hugs. Hope you are all doing well and enjoying every sandwich. cheers b