Why I need this list: I keep finding bands I love (e.g., The Rubinoos) put out "new material," albeit 2 years from release.  I rely upon these lists for someone to be looking up (and listening) to new stuff (from my faves and otherwise)...and that "somebody" is all of you on this list, along with a couple of two/three others who live to find/listen to new music. So please, please! Keep us time challenged folks on the know of what is out there.  (And for those that may have missed it, the Rubinoos "45" is pretty solid, lacking the IMHO, the knock out songs of some of their prior stuff, but more evenly good than most of their recent releases.)   I promise if I find something worthwhile, to throw out an e-mail to alert the fellow listservers about it (one of which should be arriving this week).... Stan Schwieger On 5/29/2018 1:51 PM, Cornely, Michael wrote: I'll echo what Craig, Bill, Stan and others have said - yeah, we're still good, although I really miss the days of hearing about a band, tracking down their CD, then listening to it for the first time. Nine times out of 10, if the band/CD was highly recommended by the folks on this list, I liked it and put it into heavy rotation. For that one out of 10, I could always find a trading partner here on Audities. These days, I'm a Spotify subscriber and go to YouTube quite often to hear something new. But the thrill of the hunt and the flipping through of albums and CDs is sorely missed. I don't miss having to lie to the wife about the amount I would spend on those trips, either - in fact I don't miss the wife at all LOL. Has it really been 20+ years? Wow. Mike ======================================================================= Detailed Audities-List information: To manage your Audities List settings or unsubscribe: < www.smoe.org/cgi-bin/mj_wwwusr?func=lists-long-full&extra=audities > --