Oddly due to playing Johan on my radio show recently I had been aware a new release was imminent thru the power of Google. But thanks Michael for the reminder that what was to be now is. It is available digitally, though I typically hate iTunes so I'll send this link as an alternative: https://us.7digital.com/artist/johan/release/pull-up-7485791?f=20%2C19%2C12%2C16%2C17%2C9%2C2 Also as possibly the only active admin (haven't heard from the other two in a long, long while), I apologize that I sometimes don't notice a hung up posting for several days. When this list was still modestly active, I checked every day or so. But we often go weeks between postings. I should change my google rules so these get my immediate attention. Also, I will review the mailing list settings in the next few weeks relative to some of the more frequent causes for hangups (header sizes, etc.) A slight tweak will probably keep them flowing thru without needing my clearance. Cuz yeah, headers have become much bigger since Michael left this list in my semi-capable hands. Are we still good? Personally I know there's not a lot of activity on here but I'm still glad this list exists. To be honest, I miss the eager sharing and fervent debates that would frequently flow here 15-20 years ago. but I don't want to concede this to the typical social media outlets. There are some great blogs out there, and a few excellent Facebook posters, but try as they might, I think Facebook groups only rarely achieve the quality of community and the passion and insight I would find in abundance here, back when. Let me know your thoughts, if any. Feel free to take this up under a different subject line, too. thanks, Craig On Mon, May 21, 2018 at 1:22 PM, Michael Coxe wrote: > Johan - Pull Up [2018] > > Literally stumbled upon this via a Soulseek pal's incoming folder. I > thought these guys were long gone, but thankfully back from the dead. > Issued in the past month. Just completed my 2nd listen, and if I can > eventually find out where will likely buy a copy. On the same label as > their other stuff - Excelsior. I discovered Johan via this list, maybe on > a SOTT tape, or one of those long threads on Scandinavian pop. > > I even found a review in English: https://www.sputnikmusic.com/r > eview/76718/Johan-Pull-Up/ > It's also on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album > /0Tj6g0RbKbzb5z7nuy8rUK > > Cheers! > > - Michael > > >