I'd never heard of Starry Eyed and Laughing until 2 weeks ago. In my email archive, found 2 mentions here & 1 elsewhere. So apparently criminally unknown in general. Wikipedia sez: ----- "Starry Eyed and Laughingwere a British Rockband of the 1970s. Formed in 1973, they released two albums on CBS, recorded three Peel Sessionsand undertook a US tour, before briefly evolving into Starry Eyed, and finally disbanding in 1976." ----- Mostly they had a serious Byrds jones, well beyond jangly. Much is too McGuinn-ish for me, but heard a collection recorded before their 1st lp and found the song "Givin' You the Blues" has that David Crosby folk-psych sound that gives me the shivers. Info on the early recordings - Forever Young: http://www.starryeyedandlaughing.com/Starry_Rec_ForeverYoung.htm I couldn't find the song streamable, tho #internetz.././preseto change-o//...voila! https://soundcloud.com/popville/starry-eyed-and-laughing-givin-you-the-blues - michael PS: 2017 means more mailing-list participation, less social media hell