I share your disdain of "you won't believe what happens next" videos. Sorry about that. If you want to hear Bruce Springsteen sound like Dolly Patron, click my link in my previous email. My only claim to fame in music, is that many years ago, I pointed out to a musician, that the CD release of one of his albums from the early 1980s, had the slower song speeds that the vinyl. I was curious which was the correct version. The musician agreed that the CD was too slow, thanked me for point it out. He was not involved with the release of that CD version (luckily!). Some years later, he let me know that he was reissuing the CD, at the correct speed, with bonus tracks. But more importantly, my name would be on the CD back cover, as a contributor! But when I received a copy of the CD, my heart sank. The person had decided to release the album, in MONO. Why???? This was not a 50s garage retro album. It made no sense. Another mistake? I didn't dare not ask what the reason why, given that he had put my name on the CD! Maybe another 10 years or so from now, I'll have the courage to ask. :) On 6/6/2016 8:21 PM, Deer_lick@yahoo.com wrote: > I made a deal with my friends a while ago, and now I'd like to present it here...If you're going to post a link to something, say what it is first. Obviously, most of these covers are links to YouTube videos, but I'd also like to hope that most of us are smart enough to not fall for the "You won't believe what happens next!" click bait - I've sworn off any links that aren't labeled...Maybe I'm missing out on some things (but probably not 90% of the time). Sometimes, it's really just a matter of time...I'm on break at work and I see an email from Audities. I'll scan the playlist or review and either save it for later or delete it. I'd love to know what these covers are that people are talking about, but by the time I click on the link and YouTube loads, my break is over or I already know the cover and could have saved time looking at the next link. Maybe I'm just having a bad day and being whiny, but I can't be the only one who feels this way. > > I'll throw another thumbs up for the new Cheap Trick...and while you're at it, check out Miles Nielsen's new one, (I assume iron-ically) titled "Heavy Metal"