On 4/8/2016 11:37 AM, Gene Good wrote: > hope some of you are out there to see this. I believe it was Michael who sent a music idea maybe a month ago that led me to Louise LeMay featuring Louis Philippe. Thank you. > > https://popunderground.wordpress.com/2016/04/08/tops-in-2015-2/ > > Gene Um, guess that's my cue to say you're welcome :-) Now to return the thanks for posting your tops of '15, in April no less. Happy that another resisted the pressure to post their year-end list before the dust has settled. I'm still working on my list, as there's still some stuff I wanna give a fair shake before listin' & a rankin'. May 1st or bust, - Michael NP: The Kennedys - West [2015] - only heard about this one not even a week ago.