Great, thanks for charing this, I've never seen it before. A little furhter down on that page, under the videos, there is a link to when Costello plays "Penny Lane" for President Obama and Paul McCartney in the White House. I hadn't seen that one either, it's quite the opposite to the SNL clip, but still enjoyable. /Erik 28 sep 2013 kl. 00.49 skrev Michael Coxe: Back in 1977 my housemates & I made a point to watch that particular SNL show (still lived in Raleigh, NC) because of course we were expecting to see The Sex Pistols, but I for one was bowled over by the UK Elvis. There's some stuff in this story which I'd never known, such as where he'd gotten the idea for switching songs midstream. The original SNL video is linked in the story, as is his return appearance, and also linked is a video of EC's inspiration. Cheers, - Michael NP: The Sadies - Internal Sounds (hearing for the first time, a brand new release)