On 1/7/2013 3:06 PM, Matt Whitby wrote: > Michale Coxe As much as I'm completely ready for my closeup Mr Demille, the name is Michael, thank you very much (insert big smiley). - aka Popville on the InterTubes NP: Another awesome 2012 release that doesn't qualify as a 2012 issue proper (as few if any of the remixes were 2012 issues), Cornelius's remix compilation *CM4*. * Anyone who can make Yoko Ono sound cool to these ears deserves a Nobel prize of some sort! * Maki Nomiya's (she of the killer Portable Rock & later Pizzicato Five ) "Magic Carpet Ride" (not that one) is to die for. * Turns MGMT's "Brian Eno" on its ear. I actually heard all the lyrics and the arrangement is sublime. * Arto Lindsay's (legendary no wave guitarist & later involved with lots of folks, then back to his Brazilian roots) beautiful "The Rare". And more. Soundcloud comes thru (9 of the 11 cuts) if you wish a listen: https://soundcloud.com/migvif/sets/cm4 (* as my habit the PS is the meat - I promise it didn't start this way but the headphone music forced a rave *)