They were welling this on a CDR in 2009 as Time of the Miracles. Although this looks to be totally self-released, and was a CDR, it does have a 2009 copy write date on the back. And yes, it is an awesome album. ________________________________ From: Michael Coxe To: Sent: Sun, January 6, 2013 9:03:04 PM Subject: Re: Audities Best Of 2012 Holy Metrical, Batman, just realized I forgot the insanely awesome Translator album Big Green Lawn, which if remembered would have been #5. Though only 7 songs they're not short, and as I kept it on repeat over the summer seemed like a full length release. Not one song is less than stellar!! As far as I know it was a digital only release - samples here (where I got it): and according to their website also on iTunes