Looks like the group stripped out my links on the previous post, so here's the link to the New Medicants INXS cover: https://soundcloud.com/spunkrecords/the-new-mendicants-this-time And here's the link to my CHIRP Radio top ten list: http://v2.chirpradio.org/blog/chirp-radio-best-of-2012-shawn-campbell Happy 2013! --Shawn Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2012 09:36:29 -0800 (PST) From: shawn campbell To: "audities@smoe.org" Subject: Joe Pernice + Norman Blake = awesome Message-ID: <1356975389.49297.YahooMailNeo@web122001.mail.ne1.yahoo.com> Happy New Year, audities list! I don't pop up much here anymore, but I did just read about this new collaboration between Joe Pernice and Teenage Fanclub's Norman Blake and wanted to pass it along (if anyone else has mentioned it already, sorry I missed it). http://www.pernicebrothers.com/store/product/?inc=product52.html Here's a sample -- the cover of the INXS song This Time. Also, I didn't submit a top 20 list this year, but you can find my CHIRP Radio top ten list here. Not every record is a pop record, but my #1, Allo Darlin's 'Europe' is one of my favorite indiepop releases not just of 2012, but of the last five years. I also highly recommend Mike Uva and the Bad Eyes if you're a fan of singer-songwriters like Damien Jurado, and the White Wires' 'WWIII' holds plenty of pleasures for fans of acts like the Nerves and the Undertones. Best, --Shawn ------------------------------