What new albums are you looking forward to in 2013? I'd be interested in hearing about them: Here's what I'm aware of and where I got my info (these may not necessarily come out in 2013- but I’m hoping) Hans Rotenberry (The Shazam?): "Doomsday Hotel" sounds like a double CD and that's about all that I know. http://www.popgeekheaven.com/music-discovery/whats-going-ahn-late-june The Nines: Steve Eggers just posted a youtube vid that says Polarities 2 should be out in 2013. Yay! http://youtu.be/75GZXlHkq1Y Starbelly: Sounds like they might finish up writing for the new album in the coming months. http://www.powerpopaholic.com/2012/07/power-popaholic-interview-cliff-hillis.html Cotton Mather: I thought the cover/single "I'll be Gone" was fantastic and hope they carry on that energy! http://popfair.blogspot.com/2012/09/cotton-mather-theyre-back-really.html