1. We Get What We Want --- Nelson Bragg. Homage without aping, melodically amazing, terrific playing, and stands up to multiple multiple (yes, that’s two ‘multiples’) playings. Grats, Nels! 2. S/t ---Flying Colors. Dare me not to place this one so high. Proving that Neal Morse works best as part of an ensemble, this is prog, pop, metal, melodic rock and whatever else you want to call it---as long as it’s complimentary. 3. That's Why God Made The Radio-- The Beach Boys. The title track was waiting for 12 years to be used by The Beach Boys. I don’t want to call this CD a surprise because the musicians involved are all so great, but this is the best Brian Wilson related CD this century. And I’ve liked them all. 4. Introducing --- Ruby Free. Has that Laurel Canyon vibe to it. So good. 5. Ghost on the Canvas --- Glen Campbell. Not sure if this was ’11 or ’12, but seeing him live in May ’12 was an incredibly moving event. 6. Grand Hotel --- The Explorers Club. With a Tijuana Brass pastiche of a cover, I knew I was in for a fun ride. 7. Soundshine --- David Myhr. This one, excuse me, is quite merry-making! 8. What Kind of World --- Brendan Benson. Does anyone else hear the Steely Dan in the chorus to the title track? 9. Dream Good--- Cliff Hillis. And write good and play good while you’re at it. Cliff does it all! 10. S/t --- Release The Sunbird. Zach Rogue’s side project. He an I went to the same high school (but in different centuries) 11. True ---Willie Wisely Trio. A bit more funky, loose and playful than his solo CDs, and that cuts both ways. Well worth seeking out. 12. Throw It to the Universe – Soundtrack of Our Lives. Sad to see them call it quits, but as much as I liked this last CD, it’s really not nearly as strong as earlier efforts (The bar was set high!) Joe Field Flying Colors Comics Concord CA