the more mentions the better as far as I'm concerned! wish I was in Australia for the live dates they're doing! lauree On Mon, Dec 31, 2012 at 12:36 PM, shawn campbell wrote: > Happy New Year, audities list! I don't pop up much here anymore, but I did > just read about this new collaboration between Joe Pernice and Teenage > Fanclub's Norman Blake and wanted to pass it along (if anyone else has > mentioned it already, sorry I missed it). > > > > > Here's a sample -- the cover of the INXS song This Time. > > Also, I didn't submit a top 20 list this year, but you can find my CHIRP > Radio top ten list here. > > Not every record is a pop record, but my #1, Allo Darlin's 'Europe' is one > of my favorite indiepop releases not just of 2012, but of the last five > years. I also highly recommend Mike Uva and the Bad Eyes if you're a fan of > singer-songwriters like Damien Jurado, and the White Wires' 'WWIII' holds > plenty of pleasures for fans of acts like the Nerves and the Undertones. > > Best, > --Shawn > -- music photos blog