There is also the great WAX POETS, who are from Calgary, AB. They released an outstanding album of Figgs/Joe Jackson/Urge Overkill brand of Power Pop in 2008. --- In, "Will Harris" wrote: > > I'm guessing most of you probably aren't familiar with the band Waxing > Poetics, who had some regional success on the east coast in the late '80s > and early '90s, but the band's doing a reunion show on Dec. 30th, so I > pitched an oral-history piece on their career to the local paper. What a > surprise: I got more material than would fit in print, so I took to my site > and offered up an unexpurgated version. > > > > > > > > Even if you don't know the band, I think anyone who's a fan of the > oral-history format will enjoy reading it, so I thought I'd share. It was > definitely a labor-of-love kind of thing. >