My nephew's guitar and amp were stolen from his car (I've already given him the talk about leaving it in the car, but it was parked in the driveway): a left handed Fender Strat, and a Peavey Vypyr 30 Watt Amp the guitar is very similar to this: If anyone sees someone trying to sell one, etc please let me know. While he has other guitars to play, this was his first guitar at age 13 (he's now 19) so there's some emotional attachment. a tough lesson learned and since the car was broken into at his home, which is somewhat rural space, I'm fairly certain it was someone in the neighborhood or worse, someone he knows. At any rate, I appreciate spreading the word. The other lesson he's learning is to keep the serial numbers in a safe place and where you can easily find them. I think next time I'm home, I'll teach him how to keep an inventory of his gear. thanks, lauree -- music photos blog