Hello Auditeers! Long-time lurker here. I hope you'll forgive my posting a mild bit of music-related self-promotion. Some of you may already have seen this message on the Audities Facebook group, but I thought I'd post here as well. I run a small music marketing agency called Shake & Howdy, which provides online marketing and creative services to many artists, including some that you all know and love (and one or two that are probably in this group). Shake & Howdy has applied for a small business grant through the Mission: Small Business program. In order to be considered for one of twelve $250K grants, we need a show of support from the community, in the form of a "vote." We need to get 250 votes by June 30th -- just two days away. As of this writing, we stand at 167. Voting is free, non-spammy, and takes literally 2 seconds -- it's just a mouse-click. And you can vote for more than one business. If you want to help, here's how: 1. Click on http://www.missionsmallbusiness.com/ 2. Click on 'Log in & Support' (login is via Facebook, so if you're reading this it should be automatic) 3. Search for 'Shake & Howdy' by company name, with the ampersand (if that doesn't work, try looking by location in Waltham, MA) 4. Click the blue 'Vote' button That's it! Any votes you care to throw my way would be deeply appreciated. And if you really, really want to help, feel free to click "share your vote" and ask your Facebook friends to do the same. :) Keep poppin', Andrea