As I'm sure you know, the dB's have reunited, released a brand-new CD, and are touring to some extent. I had the great fortune to see them at La Poisson Rouge in NYC on June 15.  It was hard to believe my eyes when the 4 of them mounted the stage in front of an incredibly appreciative crowd.  In general, they played very well and it was obvious that they were enjoying themselves quite a bit up there.  Here are some random thoughts: 1. The new songs are as good as almost anything they ever recorded and they sound great live! 2. Some of the earliest material (such as "Amplifier") had the crowd going crazy 3. They came back for 2 encores 4. The sound mix in that club is usually good but I thought the drums and especially Gene's bass sounded like it had little punch that night even though things were obviously being played well 5. Chris looked a bit uncertain during the material recorded after he left the band (albums 3 and 4) and he was clearly turned to watch the other guys during those songs; maybe as the tour goes on he'll feel more confident 6. They hung out just outside the main door to the big room where they had played and were easy to approach for a brief "well done"; Steve Wynn of the Miracle 3 was also hanging out there. Catch them if you can!