For better or worse, anything Brian Wilson or the Beach Boys release is going to be compared to their halcyon days of 66-72. Paul McCartney and The Stones have the same problems with their later work vs. their heyday releases. I choose not to compare sometimes. When listening to the new Beach Boys album I let the Mike Love anger and the Brian Wilson regrets fade away. It's not a bad record by any stretch and some parts are quite, quite good. They will never reach Smile territory again and I don't expect them to. From what I am hearing on the album, it's better than anyone could have ever thought they would come up with at this point. It certainly beats my expectations of what I thought it was going to be. I am happy to hear the harmonies again. If this is Brian's goodbye to the band, they went out on a high, well-harmonized note as far as I am concerned. Scott Homewood PS - listening to Mas Rapido albums on Parasol - are they still together? The two albums I stumbled upon are fantastic! In a message dated 6/10/2012 6:34:17 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: > I think the new Beach Boys release is a mediocre Beach Boys record, but > if somebody played it for me without telling me it was the Beach Boys (and > if I somehow didn't recognize the gorgeous harmonies), I would consider it a > really good Beach Boys-influenced pop record. That being said, I agree > that I would much rather have a new Wondermints album at this point than a new > Beach Boys record...