Back in 1989, our band went into a real studio for the first time. We were in the midst of recording when the studio was shut down by the IRS or the DEA or something, so we had to break in and "rescue" our Masters. We had one tape that was basically completed, but we needed a place to mix the 2" tape and ended up at the Shoe's Short Order in Zion, IL. Jeff Murphy mixed it and we released a 4-song 7" EP in 1990.  Being the incredibly clever punks that we were (insert sarcasm), I thought adding a similar ending as Aztec Camera's "Jump" to one of our songs ("Cloudy Day") would be a cool idea. We then segued the song into a 1 minute tribute to skateboarding. I skateboarded around the block in the rain with a crappy Radio Shack tape recorder for the sound effects.  The songs on the other Master were never completed, but I remember one of them was written after going to a convenience store and seeing a sign on the door that said "Operator Can Not Open Safe" and right below that a "Help Wanted" sign...I guess that one is forever lost. Anyway, we mixed 5 songs and released 4. If this has piqued anyone's curiosity, you can download all 5 here. We also "borrowed" the final "Day In A Life" note idea on another song ("Hey"). The Mighty Deerlick - Stagnation EP