Hey, Hope this message finds everybody well. Thought this might be of interest to some Audities folks… Wanted to let you know about a pet project of mine called - intro.verse.chorus Newly launched, intro.verse.chorus is a website/blog dedicated to the art of songwriting. I’ll be writing for the blog as well as moderating, with other writers contributing as we go. The idea being sort of a ‘songwriters on songwriting’ kind of collective. If you’re a musician, songwriter or even an Über-music fan curious to see what goes on under the hood, I think you’ll enjoy this site. Check out the launch post to learn more… http://introversechorus.tumblr.com/post/21014490107/welcome-to-intro-ver se-chorus Or jump straight to the main URL here… www.introversechorus.com …for the latest piece featuring the first installment of a master class series with singer/songwriter and Composer Fellow of the Sundance Institute, David Poe. Lastly, selected posts from my personal intro.verse.chorus contributions will also be featured on my Guitar World blog - http://www.guitarworld.com/songcraft-it-s-about-time Please visit IVC if you can, subscribe if you like (RSS or email) and pass it along to the musician, songwriter or music lover in your life. Thanks, as always! Write on… XO, -mb --- Follow @IVChorus on Twitter - http://tinyurl.com/IVC-Twitter Like IVC on Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/introversechorus