The Podcast returns!!! ***The Power Pop Show*** 2012 is shaping up to be a great year so far for new music. This week’s Power Pop Show featured new spins from… Nada Surf, Brendan Benson, Guided By Voices, Noel Gallagher, Grand Atlantic, The Jellybricks, Imperial Teen...and more!  Plus…we played a sneak peak of new music from The Shins’ new album “Port of Morrow” due out in March. ***The 80s Underground*** Podcasts for the 80s Underground show have also been posted – including our recent Tribute to the American South. Check ‘em out!! Download the Podcasts here: thanks for listening, Jeff Shelton (your host) The Power Pop Show (Fri  5-7pm PST) The 80s Underground (Wed 11am-1pm PST) KSCU 103.3fm -  Santa Clara, CA