Jellyfish is still my favourite band of all time (yeah Beatles, Beach Boys too). The melodies, the arrangemnets, everything blends perfectly together. They played twice in Stockholm, Sweden, and I was lucky to catch them both times. All the qualities on the recordings were present live too. Amazing. I remember reading that they rehearsed like maniacs, and it showed. Both shows, a couple of years apart, were sold out and a massively successful in terms of audience reaction. But I guess we Swedes always had good taste in music ;-) And about the lyrics, I totally agree that they are above the standard of most other pop bands. /Erik 22 jan 2012 kl. 01.30 skrev John Hanley Jr.: Hello all. I'm new to the autities world. I guess this is old news but I wanted to start a thread on Jellyfish. The whole package is of tremendous quality: musicianship, production, melodies, vocals, passion, creativity. I take it most people like the first album a little bit more than the second. Maybe it's more streamlined and understated. But, I like Spilt Milk more. The intensity sparkles on almost every tune. And the lyrics. On almost every song there is at least one and usually several - to me - stunning lyrical moves. In particular I am struck by the lyrical majesty of New Mistake. Have you guys heard that for a while? It's about young love turning into a baby. The whole thing is staggeringly good in my opinion. Check this out as an example: Intermission gave way to a miracle The birth of an accident grew to a spectacle That didn't wait, her mother was three weeks late So Father Mason clutching his crucifix Baptized the baby in whiskey and licorice What a lovely way, drowning sins in tooth decay I mean - come on. What about that? To me that's pop lyric gold right there. Clever, tasteful, evocative, sensitive, funny. I could go on and on. So.....wondering if anyone agrees or what your take is on Jellyfish lyrics on this song or in general. I think he's right up there with the best like Andy Partridge and Chris Difford.