Hey Auditeers, I'm doing my early album promo Louis CK Style... simple and direct. No B.S. “Dreaming of the West Coast”, the brand new full-length LP from San Francisco’s the Well Wishers is now here! The official in-store date is January 24, however you can still order the CD direct via the PayPal site below (your copy will arrive before Jan. 24).  I’m also throwing in a BONUS CD of your choice - absolutely free.  Check out the link below for song clips and order info.   Only $10 (plus shipping & handling) http://www.panc.org/Well_Wishers_VI.htm If you prefer digital, I have a Bandcamp site here: http://thewellwishers.bandcamp.com/ Thanks for listening and Happy New Year! Jeff Shelton c/o THE WELL WISHERS