David Mead's new one is indeed excellent, as are all of his other releases. Luckily for me, he comes to Charlotte about once a year, sometimes more, and his shows are always great. Scott Homewood In a message dated 11/15/2011 4:52:18 PM Eastern Standard Time, javagene@hotmail.com writes: > Brand new David Mead album is being released today for those that know > him. It is called "Dudes". Just ordered mine.I consider David one of the best > pop artists out there, along with Swan Dive and Boo Hewerdine, to mention > just a few very special ones. I have had the pleasure of seeing him live > once, and he is wonderful to watch. Should be one of the year's best. > Bill Demain of Swan Dive has a solo release coming, but I don't have info > on that. And Boo is doing some Bible reunion shows in England. > > > Gene >