On Wed,9/28/11 8:58 AM, Will Harris wrote: > > Mr. Coxe… > > >+1 in the great interview dept Will. > > >But man-oh-man, I wish you could have asked him about the Pete Coombes > > >song "Golden Lamp" that was only issued on the Tourists double 7" EP > > >version of Blind Among The Flowers, their first single. One of my > > >all-time favorite songs. Unless you did and it's in the "outtakes" :) > > Unfortunately, I didn't ask him about it during the interview. > > Fortunately, I have his email address, and he's a very approachable > fellow…J > > "Well,Pete was a genius but racked with problems and fueled by > enormous amounts of drugs and alcohol.(Imean/enormous//./)He wrote two > or three songs a day,and we just worked them out and played > them.‘Golden Lamp,’I sat around kitchen table with him,and while he > sang it,we worked out the guitars,thenAnnie and him worked out > vocals,harmonies,etc.His songs were full of hope,but his head was full > of doubt.” > Thanks very much Will for taking time to ask. I knew about the demons that eventually killed him, tho not till years later. One certainly would have not known from the songs, which as Mr Stewart wrote were full of hope. Btw, if you haven't heard "Golden Lamp" but wish to, I posted it here ages ago per a blog request & still available: http://www.divshare.com/download/10829920-d25 I've always loved the concept of the kitchen or dining table as the center of the household. Homework (much preferable to banishment to the bedroom), puzzles, games,projects, family conversations, reading even. Then at others & my own succession of apartments or shared homes: parties (& libations), poker, more conversations running from silly to deep (how serious we took ourselves at times - heh), & more homework, projects & the like. Many times that table was the only surface where sitting and writing & typing was possible. Christy & myself's own familial succession of kitchens have generally been too small for sitting so it's from a dining room table which I respond this morning. With laptops the idea of a home office as a dedicated room lost meaning (our's rechristened "the den"); my office is my laptop on the dining table, with the library on disk/cd/online, with research & communication online/chat/email/webex. Unsure where the "pad" culture will lead us but so far appears to channel Alan K