Hello All, As Tony Cox's "Unpublished" album picked up same praise from Auditeers I thought people like might to know he has a new album out, called "On the Way". It is a professionally printed CDR and features 9 tracks. I've only listened to it a couple of times but it is definitely in the running to be my favourite album of the year. It is going to be available from Kool Kat and CD Baby, plus the usual download sites (as Tony puts it). Any Dodgy fans should check it out as Nigel Clark does all the vocals on it, as he does with the Offbeat releases - www.theoffbeat.co.uk While I'm here I thought I would give a plug to my favourite discovery of the year, Alex Keith's "Into Love and Out of Luck". It is an alt country/Americana album so might be of limited appeal to Auditeers, but I think it is wonderful. It is available as a free download from http://alexkeith.bandcamp.com Maurice