before that great "Fraternity of All" cd came out, in fact, more than a few years before it came out, powere pop empressario Ken Sharp made me a tape of the songs on that cd, and others that didn't make the cd issue...we'd worked together on the book about the Raspberries we put together, and he loved Andrew's stuff, and I, in turn really dug the songs... anyway, i talked it up to a few pop pals, and, somewhat reluctantly, but enthusiastically, made a a few copies.....anyway, it proceeded to get written up and got glowing comments, even tho it wasn't even available at the time!!!! All i could think of was, oh my gosh, Andrew will hear/see this and be really pissed, I somehow got an email address on Andrew, I think he was still living in Connecticut, and apologetically wrote him, in the spirit of having people hear his music and I was sorry I had shared it without his approval... well, he wrote back, and was not mad at all, at least i don't think he was, and was appreciative for the interest it started generating...... so this then started a few years of emails, mostly about Mac computer stuff and sharing cool fonts with him...I asked a few "Ronstadt/Waddy Wachtel/Lonely Boy" questions thru the years, and found him to be a most charming, quirky, but really nice guy..... somewhere around my house is a cool cd of his 2000-something era Los Angeles Byrds tribute band Byrds of A Feather who were really awesome....... I thought he was a real gentleman and a really good man...... jim horan