And another! Reading this thread the past couple of days caused me to bust out The Great Puzzle and Demo-itis last night. Demo-it is was my first Jules album after I saw his co-writing credit on a couple of other artists' records I really enjoyed (The Bangles and Tommy Keene), and I think the semi-raw production has aged well. I will need to look into finding The Eternal Return. As other posters have noted, Jules is also a very good live performer (his guitar playing has a certain minimalist quality to it). On a semi-related note, 'Til Tuesday's Everything's Different Now is one of my all-time favorite albums-- due in no small part to what Jules contributed to the record, both directly (and, I am sure, indirectly). Ron K. -------------------------------------------------- From: Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2011 1:35 PM To: Cc: Subject: Jules Shear > I'm in the middle of a Shear-fest myself. Was always a fan of Jules and > the Polar Bears, and when I got the CD's recently, it opened up the > floodgates. Always a Rundgren fan, I had to find Watch Dog on CD, but to > no avail. I found the vinyl (along with The Eternal Return and The Funky > Kings, both unavailable on a US CD)and transfered them to digital. Watch > Dog is fantastic - "The Longest Drink" has got to be my favorite unheard > song I've discovered in a long time. It sounds like A perfect combo of > Todd, Brian Wilson and Jules. The Eternal Return is pretty great too, > although the production suffers a bit from Eighties-itis, but the songs > are brilliant. Always dug the Reckless Sleepers (saw them live at Club > Lingerie in Hollywood in 1988) and was happy to finally get it on CD. I'm > starting to collect all of the other solo albums now, really loving The > Great Puzzle and Healing Bones. I didn't connect much with The Third Party > though, a little too stripped down for my taste and ! > the songs aren't as good as his other releases. Just got Sayin' Hello To > The Folks (the covers album) and I'm looking forward to hearing that. > > Jules Rules! > > Rick Gallego > >