I'm in the middle of a Shear-fest myself. Was always a fan of Jules and the Polar Bears, and when I got the CD's recently, it opened up the floodgates. Always a Rundgren fan, I had to find Watch Dog on CD, but to no avail. I found the vinyl (along with The Eternal Return and The Funky Kings, both unavailable on a US CD)and transfered them to digital. Watch Dog is fantastic - "The Longest Drink" has got to be my favorite unheard song I've discovered in a long time. It sounds like A perfect combo of Todd, Brian Wilson and Jules. The Eternal Return is pretty great too, although the production suffers a bit from Eighties-itis, but the songs are brilliant. Always dug the Reckless Sleepers (saw them live at Club Lingerie in Hollywood in 1988) and was happy to finally get it on CD. I'm starting to collect all of the other solo albums now, really loving The Great Puzzle and Healing Bones. I didn't connect much with The Third Party though, a little too stripped down for my taste and the songs aren't as good as his other releases. Just got Sayin' Hello To The Folks (the covers album) and I'm looking forward to hearing that. Jules Rules! Rick Gallego