On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 6:44 AM, Mike Bennett wrote: > > My Top 10 was posted yesterday on the CHIRP Radio blog: > > http://chicagoindieradio.org/chirplog/1973/mike-bennett-s-best-of-2010 > > I guess the closest thing to power pop would be Superchunk. I would > recommend the Rose Elinor Dougall. My copy of Rose Elinor Dougall's "Without Why" just arrived, and I think it's great. Nothing on it quite comes up to the level of the first (?) single, "Another Version of Pop Song," but that's OK — still really good stuff. -- Benjamin D. Lukoff ÷ lukoff@gmail.com Seattle, Washington, USA LinkedIn profile: http://www.lukoff.us *Seattle Then and Now* book: http://books.google.com/books?id=oRmLRAAACAAJ Articles: http://crosscut.com/account/BenjaminSPACELukoff/ Photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/lukobe/ Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/lukobe