Although I wouldn't call it a definitive 'best of' list, the following are 2010 records that I really liked. I took a look at the ones people are voting to refresh my memory, but I'm pretty sure I'm forgetting a few others. Wild Nothing - Gemini Iris - Blacklight The National - High Violet Tamaryn - The Waves The Brother Kite - Isolation Matt Pond PA - The Dark Leaves 78 Saab - Good Fortune Teenage Fanclub - Shadows Helen Stellar - If The Stars Could Speak... Aloha - Home Acres The Depreciation Guild - Spirit Youth Film School - Fission Radio Dept. - Clinging To A Scheme Amusement Parks On Fire - Road Eyes Adam Franklin & The Bolts Of Melody - I Could Sleep For A Thousand Years Tired Pony - The Place We Ran From A big letdown for me was Pete Yorn's latest. I'm a big fan and for some reason I couldn't like a single song from this album. Horrible package too. Speaking of packages, the excellent Matt Pond PA's album also comes in one of these thin envelopes that I hate so much. And what about Tom Petty's 'Damn The Torpedos', can you call that a Deluxe package? I didn't get my hands on John Lennon's US reissues, but the brazilian ones here also went for very thin and light envelopes. Record labels: please don't approximate actual / big artists cd's to lousy no cover cdr copies that kids leave in the car! that's what you're actually doing right now with those envelopes. Please, give us fat digipacks, trays, old style jewel boxes or whatever new materials and formats you may find, but not this. On the other hand, bought a lot of vinyl, new and old. Thanks God it's alive and well. Another point: although I personally come much more from indie/alternative rock than power pop, is it my impression or are we auditeers less and less straight into power pop, and more into several styles of music? I think this is very positive, especially while melody is preserved as the guiding line. Rafael.