Auditeers, For your perusal, a new review of The Lowbots from the UK's Leicester Bangs. Happy Holidays to you all. Tony -----Original Message----- From: Jeff Shelton To: Sent: Tue, Dec 21, 2010 10:56 am Subject: Re: Best of 2010 All, lad my list inspired some discussion here! There are some real gems ut there from 2010 ...with Farrah as ground zero for pop perfection. really am blown away by the intricacies of that album. It's simple nd brilliant at the same time. Amazing. I'd like to add bonus udos for Shake Some Action "Fire and Ice" as album that eally soars. They're a little indie pop band from Seattle, and I hink most listmembers would dig them if not familiar. As for Paul Collins... ich is right - everyone's mileage may vary. And while I don't snub nrehearsed, spontaneous scrappy rock n roll...Kings of Power Pop ust misses the mark for me on several fronts: the songs are a bit too y-the-numbers for my taste, and Paul's gravelly strained vocals are a eal stretch ...almost impossible to listen to at times. I thought Ribbon of Gold" from a few years back was a much more palatable listen. J