Drove from Cleveland to Pittsburgh to see Tommy Keene last Thursday at the cosy Club Cafe. A small, but enthusiastic crowd showed up. In all the times I've seen him play (many), Tommy plays like there at 30,000 people in the audience, even if there are only 30. The guy is a true professional. This tour used "Songs from the Film" as the centerpiece and we weren't disappointed. The songs still sounded great and it was a treat to hear some of the rarely played live versions (such as "Listen to Me Now"). They played a half dozen or so favorites before and after "Songs". I don't think they've ever sounded better. Got to talk with Tommy before the show and asked if I could shoot a few videos. He had no problem with it. I've put them up on YouTube (sorry, didn't have the battery on my new Droid X to do more). Quality is ok, as is the sound. You can get a flavor of the show. There are a few dates left - if you are lucky enough to live on the west coast, I would highly recommend dropping by to support the band - as well as getting more than your money's worth in performance. You can search on Tommy Keene - Club Cafe or better yet, my YouTube ID mdgladish58 to find the videos. Take care. Mike