Earlier today, I sent a link to the new Ultimate Fakebook album--and that reminded me that it's been quite some time since I mentioned any of my local pop faves.  With the hope that you care to discover a few good bands, here are some of my current Kansas City area favorites: * Hidden Pictures http://www.hiddenpicturesmusic.com/ Hidden Pictures have quickly become one of my absolute favorite local bands, with immediately catchy pop tunes, appealing male/female vocals, and a fair amount of xylophone.  Recommended for fans of Wilco, She & Him, and Belle & Sebastian.  My favorite song is probably "Anne Apparently," which you can hear on their site. I strongly suggest the "Choosing Sides" EP and eagerly anticipate their full-length. * The Dead Girls http://www.myspace.com/deadgirlsruineverything The Dead Girls offer pounding, scorching hot power-pop, with twin guitar antics jet-propelled by the rhythm section from Ultimate Fakebook. They just released their sophomore album "Out of Earshot" on vinyl (with a download code). Recommended for fans of Cheap Trick, Thin Lizzy, Ultimate Fakebook, the Replacements, and Swervedriver. I love these guys. * The Belles http://www.myspace.com/thebelles The Belles released the album "Omerta" in 2003 and have finally issued a full-length follow-up called "Time Flies When You're Losing Your Mind."  They're on the mellower side of pop, but there are always solid melodies.  Recommended for fans of Aimee Mann, Crowded House, the Creature Comforts, Elliott Smith, and the softer side of Wilco. * Sam Billen http://sambillen.com/ I haven't seen this guy much yet, but he used to be in a band called the Billions, and what I've heard of his solo work puts him somewhere in the neighborhood of Elliott Smith, the Postal Service, and Death Cab for Cutie. * The ACBs http://www.myspace.com/theacbs These guys' sole album is a few years old now, but they still play occasionally, and I think they're working on new stuff.  They're one of my favorite local bands to see live.  Good pop tunes with a rhythmic kick.  Try "Suzanne" on their MySpace page--I love that song!  Recommended for fans of Spoon, the Monroes, Weezer, and Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin. * The Sexy Accident http://www.sexyaccident.com/ This indie-pop band is perhaps not as immediately accessible as the rest I've mentioned, but their music definitely beats with a pop heart. All of their releases are available for free download on their website. Recommended for fans of the Wedding Present, Swervedriver, and the Cure. They just released a new 3-song EP, but I think last year's album "Mantoloking" is still their best. Recommended track: "A Merry Christmas to You," which is only *sort of* a Christmas song. Those are my current local favorites. I hope you find something to love. I'd like to hear about lesser-known favorites from your area, too. And one final note: I hear that oft-reclusive pop genius Erik Voeks is doing some recording. I'm hoping some of this will be released to the world. (Track down 1993's "Sandbox" if you haven't heard him.) He plays the occasional local show--solo and with a new band called Miss America--and he sometimes plays bass on tour with the great Jon Dee Graham. Randy