Like most Pollard stuff, it's hard to really recommend one over another. I've honestly been listening to Zero to 99 lately more than the others...partly because it's newest, partly because it's got some killer tracks. None of the Boston Spaceships cd's drop to the uneveness of some of the solo releases, but none of them attain the "every track is killer" level of classic GBV. But a "best of" the 3 releases would make a pretty great CD. I think the closest Pollard has come to a GBV style record lately is last years solo release Elephant Jokes. Very Bee Thousand-ish. I also see the "classic" GBV lineup w/ Toby Sprout and Mitch Mitchell are reuniting for a couple gigs in Vegas later this year. >Peter wrote: > > I love Guided By Voices, I like occasional tracks from Pollards innumerable solo albums...So, will I like Boston Spaceships? > If so, would anyone recommend one album over another? >> Thanks > > Peter _________________________________________________________________ The New Busy is not the old busy. Search, chat and e-mail from your inbox.